Daily Archives: October 16, 2019

Beep Beep…Beep Beep

Or is it Meep Meep?  Hmmm…the debate rages on.

Anyway…remember those old Road Runner cartoons?  Man, I loved those.

That stupid f*cking Wile E. Coyote practically went to the ends of the earth to kill that pesky Road Runner, and every time, it blew up right in his stupid coyote face.

I mean, literally.  Like ten sticks of dynamite from the Acme Dynamite Company blew up on his head…or he got pushed off a cliff….or unceremoniously crushed by a boulder.  And lived to tell about it.  EVERY. FRIGGIN’. TIME.

If Mr. Coyote was a cat with just nine lives, he would have croaked in 1966.

Anyway..aren’t we just seeing the same slapstick silliness in politics today?  The Coyote Democrats dying a political death every time they roll out their impeachment scheme du jour…ya know, the one that finally…FINALLY…leads to the demise of Road Runner Trump. Continue reading