Daily Archives: October 9, 2019

Buying Biden

I was planning on really getting into the weeds of Joe Biden’s orgy of public corruption over his almost 50 years…yeah, you read that right…in the DC Swamp.

But no need to get too wonky given the embarrassingly prima facie nature of this corruption perpetrated by Joe and son Hunter Biden.  I reckon just the Reader’s Digest or Cliff’s Notes version will suffice.

Seriously…would ANY of us have gotten through high school and college without Cliff’s Notes?

To be fair to Sleepy, Creepy Joe…and we here at The Drunken Republican are slaves to fairness…he’s probably no more or less of a swamp creature than the rest of ‘em, generally speaking.

Although, I guess that’s like saying…well, Ted Bundy’s NO WORSE than Jeffrey Dahmer.

And I know of what I speak…You see, I just got done with Hillary Clinton’s latest literary endeavor…”Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Selling Your High Level Office But Were Afraid To Ask.” Continue reading