Daily Archives: September 25, 2019

The Dem’s Presidential Pickle

My sincerest apologies for not posting anything last week.  You see…in the fantasy world in which I live, people actually noticed.

So humor an old guy, would ya?

Anyway, I ventured out to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado in an attempt to rid myself of the stress of this political blogging pressure-cooker.

I was successful for the most part…although it may have just been the thin air at the 9,000 foot altitude in Breckenridge that got me loopy.

Lots of incredible hiking, brewery hopping, and good food along the way.

I even stumbled into some place called Green Dragon that I THOUGHT had something to do with Asian cuisine.  Next thing I knew, I was sucking on some pretty tasty blue raspberry Jolly Rancher-like things that made me all happy and tingly.

Anyway…back to the grind… Continue reading