Messaging Mess

I don’t praise Far Left Democrats very often.  OK…never.

For obvious reasons.

But I’m gonna go a bit against the grain here.

Oh sure, we ALL know they’re just GREAT at things like safe space interior decorating, pussy-hat speed-knitting, and Chick-Fil-A boycotts.

BTW…I’ve literally never met a person that doesn’t LOVE the food at Chick-Fil-A.  Or when they say…with enthusiastic conviction, mind you…”My Pleasure” at the drive-thru window.

Anyway…here’s where I REALLY admire their skills…where it REALLY matters…


With regard to “messaging,” the Lefties are the ‘27 Yankees.  The Republicans?

The lovable, laughable…but lowly…’62 Mets.

And when the Hall of Fame manager of those very same ‘62 Mets, Casey Stengel, famously lamented…”Can’t ANYBODY here play this game”…he could very well have been talking about “messaging” and today’s inept Republicans.

My God…I could write something the length of the Encyclopedia F*cking Brittanica on this subject.

If encyclopedias weren’t as extinct as the Dodo Bird, that is.

But the most recent example is poster child material.

First, though…and (hopefully) without getting TOO wonky…some necessary history…

After years of litigation beginning with a 1985 court case, the so-called “ Flores Settlement” was an agreement in 1997 with the U.S. Government that decreed migrant children entering the country illegally could not be detained for more than 20 days.

Of course, nobody ever really took much notice of this back in those days when we were all obsessed with things like White House interns, soiled blue dresses, and alternative…and quite interesting…uses for cigars.

Well, here’s the proverbial rub…given the massive volume of migrant families now…AND during the Obama years…coupled with the lack of resources with which to adjudicate the exploding number of immigration cases…it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 days or so to get these folks through the system.

What ended up happening is gobs and gobs of “family units” with runny-nosed rugrats in tow, the adults…often not even their parents…would be simply released into the interior of the country, and given a date one to three years in the future to return for their immigration court hearing.

Wait, what?

And like many of my dates in high school…few ever show up.  

So, their kid…or ANY kid…is their walking, talking passport into the United States.  This massive loophole…coupled with sanctuary cities, and the endless list of free shit promised by the current gaggle of Socialists running for Prez…serves as a magnet stronger than the earth’s gravitational pull.


No other way to characterize it.  No other way to spin it.  A fact.

It’s EXACTLY what the Left wants.  And why Congressional Dems are killing themselves to block every attempt to stop the border chaos.

So…our Problem-Solver-In-Chief has no choice but to take matters into his own YUGE hands and signs an executive order simply allowing family units entering the country ILLEGALLY to be detained TOGETHER for a long enough period of time to get through the system. 

Again, history says 40 – 60 days.

Ok…back to the messaging thing.

Here’s just a flavor…


Yeah.  Sure he does.

Ya like messaging, Libs?  Here’s a message for ya…

That’s a bigger pile of shit than what Blubber Boy Michael Moore drops the morning after Three-For-One burrito night at Paco’s Taco’s.

And inexplicably, the Republicans are as effective in combatting these lies as a band-aid on a severed arm.

The silver lining?  Sane Americans understand…like with EVERY other Dumbocrat policy position…it’s about future votes, political power, and control over the lives of Americans in perpetuity.

And most disgustingly…all cloaked in the illusion of phony compassion.


1 thought on “Messaging Mess

  1. Mistah Hoovah

    Where are you getting your numbers from? E.g., “it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 days or so to get these folks through the system.” In fact, that was during the Obama administration. What about now?

    According to Syracuse University’s TRAC (Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse), as of June 2019, the average time that pending cases have been waiting in immigration courts is *705* days. (

    And how do you call descriptions of inhumane conditions at the immigration detention centers a “pile of shit?” Talk about hiding your head in the sand!

    You also call concerns about indefinite detention a “pile of shit.” Tell us, then, what is the *definite* amount of time an immigrant can be detained under Trump’s proposed?


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