Daily Archives: September 11, 2019

Messaging Mess

I don’t praise Far Left Democrats very often.  OK…never.

For obvious reasons.

But I’m gonna go a bit against the grain here.

Oh sure, we ALL know they’re just GREAT at things like safe space interior decorating, pussy-hat speed-knitting, and Chick-Fil-A boycotts.

BTW…I’ve literally never met a person that doesn’t LOVE the food at Chick-Fil-A.  Or when they say…with enthusiastic conviction, mind you…”My Pleasure” at the drive-thru window.

Anyway…here’s where I REALLY admire their skills…where it REALLY matters…


With regard to “messaging,” the Lefties are the ‘27 Yankees.  The Republicans?

The lovable, laughable…but lowly…’62 Mets. Continue reading