Liar. Leaker. Loser.

Unbridled arrogance.  Unethical narcissist.  Self-righteous liar.

I could go on, but I’ve run out of unflattering adjectives.

That would be my reply if someone dared to ask me to describe Jim Comey.

Investigation #1…DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz said Comey was completely insubordinate with regard to his actions related to Hillary Clinton’s Great Disappearing Email Caper.

Investigation #2 by IG Horowitz…the results of which were released last week…found him to be guilty of lying (lack of “candor” in government-speak), improperly leaking confidential information, and violating a plethora of FBI policies with impunity.

OK, I added “impunity” for dramatic effect.  STILL accurate.

The report was as scathing as Joe Biden is confused.

A lying, leaking loser…just like Trump said all along.

Stunningly…and in quite breathtaking fashion, Comey…saturated in overflowing arrogance…took a victory lap since no “criminal” charges were brought.

Jesus, that’s a bar lower than Beto’s…uh…Robert Francis’s poll numbers.

He tweeted, in part, “…I don’t need a public apology from those who defamed me, but a quick message with a “sorry we lied about you” would be nice.”

I’m almost rendered speechless by THAT psychopathic drivel, except to say that this MF’er Comey is 6’9”, so the air must be really f*cking thin up where his melon resides.

What a monumental self-serving A-Hole.

So..not only is investigation #3 almost finished looking at the fraud and abuse perpetrated on the FISA court…Comey signed the first (of four) FISA warrants…there’s an even BIGGER DOJ investigation proceeding concurrently looking at the origins of this whole Russian collusion farce and despicable bloodless coup attempt.

And Jimmy Boy is up to his beady little eyeballs in all of it.

Given all THAT…me thinks this 6’9” walking, talking turd ought not be spiking any goddamn footballs.

In the end, if Comey finds himself in a Federal penitentiary somewhere and he crosses paths with some linebacker-sized dude named Leroy who has a special affinity for ginormously tall white guys…I’d be OK with that scenario.

More than OK, in fact.

Rising Ocean Levels?  BAHAHAHAHA!

So…The Obama’s just bought a $15M oceanfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.  

Anyone shocked by that?  Hmm?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

So much for those melting polar ice caps and rising oceans, eh Barry?


These f*cking liberal elitists really chap my backside.

They flaunt their mansions with carbon footprints bigger than Liechtenstein, tool around in their big tricked-out gas-guzzling SUV’s, spend their lives on private jets and yachts crapping out massive emissions as they cruise around the world to various film festivals and…ya know…Global Warming conferences.

Then they have the nads to condescendingly pontificate to the REST of us ham-and-eggers to give up meat, drive tiny electric cars, reuse toilet paper, and strap solar panels to our ass to keep our cell phones charged, lest the world will end in 12 years. 

Probably 11 as of this writing.

The overflowing gall and unabashed hypocrisy of these elitist narcissists make me want to heave up.

You think they have barf bags on those private jets?  


Can I say that, or is it cultural appropriation?  Hmmm…

Anyway….Those poor bastards over at the Olive Garden.  Right on the heels of basking in the glory of their “Pasta for Life” giveaway, the Scumbag Twitter Mob falsely accuses them of…GASP!…donating to the President’s campaign.


Luckily for Olive Garden, they were able to successfully convince the world that this was indeed fake news.

Boycott averted…Phew!

Although, I think Olive Garden missed a golden opportunity.  Since these boycott threats typically backfire worse than a ’53 Studebaker (see Chick-Fil-A), they could have had a little fun with a few new menu items that would drive these nutbag Libs even crazier…if that’s even f*cking possible.

Republican Rigatoni.  Trump Tortellini.  Melania Manicotti. 

OK, maybe not.

Anyway…the bottom line?  Hillary’s “Irredeemable Deplorable” shtick is what lost her the election…the other 83 reasons notwithstanding.  And it appears the Einsteins on the Left have quadrupled down on that strategy for 2020.


Epic dumbasses.  One might even say retarded if it were 25 years ago and you were sort of allowed to say that.  But…officially…I’m not saying that.

And lastly…

It’s been reported that Michael Moore was declared ineligible for the “Pasta For Life” promotion.  For obvious reasons.

In fact, the stock of Darden, the parent company of Olive Garden, surged 12% upon that positive development.

This concludes our newest segment…Olive Garden News.

6 thoughts on “Liar. Leaker. Loser.

  1. tacopepper

    Which is worse for our planet? The person who owns a seaside mansion and lobbies for responsible climate change policy, or the person who owns several seaside mansions and is not only beyond ignorant about climate change ( he thinks a cold front in February proves it doesn’t exist), but has enacted more dangerous climate change policy damage than any President ever?

    You and all the Trumpers are laughably, and sadly on the wrong side of climate change, and the worst part is because all of you are so self-centered on your own financial well-being, you just don’t even care how bad this situation really is.

    Keep mocking climate change policy and those who endorse it as the glaciers melt and the ocean warms. Just like your stunning ignorance on the mounting and ever-increasing financial deficit, you clearly just.. don’t… care.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      OK, now wait a cotton pickin’ minute.

      First, I’m with you 100% on the ticking time bomb that is the national debt. Trump…and the purse string holders in Congress…have been horrible on the debt, and I have NEVER defended Trump on the massive spending under his administration.

      NEWS FLASH…Liz Warren, Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the Socialists running on the Dem side would be 100X worse than Trump on spending. So…who the hell are you gonna vote for? Oh, I know. You’re gonna piss your vote away on some Green Party or Libertarian candidate that has less than zero chance. The proverbial “Protest” vote. Total cop out IMHO.

      Second, I wasn’t mocking Global Warming per se…although it’s quite true I do not bow at that altar either. I was mocking the Liberal elitist hypocrites that lecture us all that the planet is ending, yet EVERYTHING THEY do in THEIR own entitled fucking lives is completely contrary to their pathetic “climate change” pontifications.

      Classic “Do as I say, not as I do.” The “rules” don’t apply to them, do they?

      I loathe these shallow scumbags and was simply using Obama’s oceanfront mansion purchase as the vehicle by which to call them out.

      BTW…How many of Al Gore’s alarmist prognostications have happened over the past 15 years? Precisely ZERO! And he’s never had to answer for ANY of it. Complete BULLSHIT.

  2. Tom B

    Comey has been completely exonerated of any illegal activity by 2 of the Trump Administration investigative reports so far. I wouldn’t count on number 3 being any different.

  3. tacopepper

    Fear-mongering take on deficit:
    “Deficits will be much worse under a Dem President.”

    Presidents with year-over-year deficit reduction since 1980: Clinton, Obama.

    Presidents with year-over-year deficit increases since 1980: Reagan, W. Bush, Trump

    Facts are so annoying.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      I wrote about Comey, Global Warming hypocrites, and Olive Garden. Why are you commenting on deficits? Are you confused? Wait a minute…is this Joe Biden??


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