Squads, Scams & Setups

In my best Jerry Seinfeld voice…”What’s the deal with THESE women?”

The “Squad.”  Who else.  

Let’s come up with a NEW name for those wackos.  I have a few interesting suggestions…but the children need to leave the room first.

Anyway…riddle me this…

Would you welcome, with open arms, a potential visitor to your house that is openly hostile toward you…in fact, wants to destroy you…and would gleefully piss in your cornflakes the second they cross the threshold?

Of course you wouldn’t.  

And neither would Israel.  Ya know…Israel?  Probably our most strategically important ally on the planet?

Yeah.  THAT Israel.

First, a recap of last week’s episode…

* The blatantly anti-Israel, anti-Semitic movement called BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) is a movement that started in 2005 in an effort to isolate Israel from the rest of the world, effectively destroy their economy and lead to their demise.  In other words…deny Israel the right to exist.  Nice, huh?

* Of course, the Jew-Hating, Palestinian boot-lickers of the Squad support this movement with great vigor.  So, two of the Squadettes, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib attempted to gain permission to make a trip to Israel, basically as a stunt to cavalierly campaign for this BDS BS right in Israel’s own backyard.

* This, when they COULD have accompanied a bipartisan Congressional delegation of about 70 a few weeks earlier, and had no issue.  But noooooo…THAT wasn’t good enough for these attention whores to simply be two of seventy.  No Siree Bob!

* Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t about to get played by these Hate-mongers, and denied them entry…which is the absolute right of EVERY SOVEREIGN NATION.  

* Tlaib then appealed to Israel to allow her entry on a “humanitarian” basis so she could visit her 90-year-old grandmother.  She even said she would refrain from anything political…ya know, just goin’ to see granny before the proverbial dirt nap.  Israel, quite charitably, granted her request. 

* Tlaib then exposed her own phony scam by feigning breathless outrage and not going to go see her grandmother after all…unless they released her from the political shackles.

Wait, what?

In Tlaib’s OWN humanitarian request, she even says…and I quote…”I will respect any restrictions and I will not promote any boycotts against Israel during my visit.”

C’mon people…do I HAVE to spell it out?  This was ONE BIG F*CKING SETUP…a PR stunt…by two political scam artists.  Hard stop.

Sorry Grandma…I know you’re 90…so if I don’t get there to see your sorry old wrinkly ass before you croak, give Allah my best.


So, let me get this straight…This anti-Semitic biyach wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth…and THEY’RE racist and oppressive?!?!

Pot.  Kettle.  Black.

And to all the Democrats…and even some Republicans…feigning outrage over Israel denying entry to a “member of Congress”…just STFU, please.  Get over yourselves.  I’ve never heard such a breathtaking red herring in my life.

These radical, terrorist-sympathizing, anti-Semites who revel in shitting on long established U.S. policy vis-a-vis our staunch ally Israel are despicable human beings who aren’t even worthy of being members of Congress IMHO.

Crystal clear?  Sorry…not a fan of ambiguity.

Apparently, neither is Israeli Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, who beautifully shoved it all straight up Tlaib’s big fat caboose when he tweeted “Apparently her hate for Israel overcomes her love for her grandmother.” 

Bitchin’ mic drop, right there.  Mazel Tov to THAT!

Anyway…we’ve seen this crappy movie before from this pathetic crew, have we not?  Gin-up some phony, contrived issue, jack-up the outrage machine to DEFCON 1, accuse the world of racism and oppression…then have a press conference with their adoring Leftist butt-kissing media.

Frankly, this nonsense is getting older than Tlaib’s granny, who had her own personal message for President Trump…“May God ruin him.”

A little harsh there Granny…dontcha think?   Who crapped in your Metamucil?

Guess I’ll put her down as a “maybe” for The Donald in 2020.

And finally…a bit of parting wisdom…

Confucius Say…”Naked man who walk through door sideways going to Bangkok.”

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