Daily Archives: August 13, 2019

Hit List

Did you know…

…that this is my 150th blog post?  Three years and running.  Now, before you start asking yourself “Why should I give a shit?”…consider the significance of that very interesting number…

For instance…

It takes three 150 pound humans to equal one Michael Moore.

If you take 150 and divide by two, you get Maxine Waters’ IQ.

I could go on…but mercifully, I won’t.

Onward and upward…


Nope…not ANOTHER poor schlub getting the bejeezus beaten out of him…or maybe a steamy plate of curly cheese fries dumped on his head at some greasy spoon by a psychotic, violence-prone Lefty for the unforgivable crime against humanity of sporting a red MAGA hat.

Good guess, though. Continue reading