Racism Ruse

I am so f*cking sick and tired of people calling Donald Trump a racist.

OK, so I have a penchant for bluntness if you haven’t noticed.

But I completely understand.  It’s just one of the many sharp instruments in the Destroy Trump Toolbox that the pathetic Leftists desperately rifle through like a kindergartener furiously searching for magenta in the crayon box.

I mean, go all the way back the 2016 campaign.  First, it was the parade of women the #MeToo Mongers hunted down and dragged out to swear on a stack of hotel bibles that The Donald might have brushed up against their left boob 25 years ago at a party.

Or was it the right one in an elevator?

Eh, who can even remember?

Strike One!

Then they shit the bed with the whole corruptly concocted collusion farce.  Boy, that was their SURE THING.

Um…yeah…as sure as that tip you got from your nutty brother-in-law on that horse going in the 3rd race at Belmont.

Strike Two!

So what’s left?


Yeah…sure he is.  And Michael Moore counts calories.

This is nothing new, of course…except that the volume’s been exponentially dialed up ever since Mueller kicked every Trump hater straight in the naughty bits…as they used to say on Monty Python.

Anyway, some exculpatory evidence…

People that have known Trump for 30 or 40 years…like Rudy Giuliani and Geraldo Rivera, just to name two…will tell you he doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.

Look, Trump was a completely known entity to the whole friggin’ world the very moment he descended on that escalator in Trump Tower in NYC to declare his candidacy in 2015.

And you are free as a bird to hate him for all of the things he IS known for…playboy billionaire, gargantuan ego, publicity seeking, narcissistic real estate magnate…but Racist?  Nah. 

C’mon…If he was a big, fat racist his whole life, it would have been common knowledge from Malibu to Maine.

And a 70-something dude doesn’t all of a sudden become a racist.  Period.  Hard stop.

The modus operandi of the Left and their media lapdogs is for them to quite easily…and purposely, in an extremely intellectually dishonest way…grossly mischaracterize virtually everything Trump says.  

Eyes wide open…This is in large measure enabled by Trump’s own painfully inartful, imprecise, and non-PC way of speaking.  

A tough-talking dude from Queens he is.  A great orator he is not.

There are a ton of examples, and trust me, I can refute every goddamn one…but the worst of the bunch…the one that really boils MY naughty bits…is the incident that is ALWAYS jammed down our throats when the BS racist narrative is being regurgitated by the Trump Derangement Syndrome goons.

Remember those legitimately planned protests against the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue that were completely hijacked by Antifa and neo-Nazi’s thugs in Charlottesville, VA?

Trump’s actual quote from the press conference after the incident…

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group.  But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.  You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did.  You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

If you are the least bit capable of mustering-up just a speck of honesty, he’s CLEARLY referring to the “legitimate” protesters/counter-protesters as “fine people on both sides,” and called the neo-Nazis “bad people.”  In a later question at that same presser, he further clarifies…

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.” 


That was two years ago, and the Leftist haters and media pukes STILL perpetuate the lie.  And they f*cking know it.  They f*cking know it.

As always…The narrative is the narrative is the narrative.

(Blogging For Dummies…Repeat things multiple times for max effect).

And lastly…if Trump’s definitively proven ONE thing, it’s that he’s an equal opportunity fighter…and lover.

You hit him…you get it back 10X harder.

You praise him…he’s your best friend.

And in either instance, it makes ZERO DIFFERENCE what friggin’ color, ethnicity, religion, or gender you are.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  EFFING.  TIME.

So there you have it.  Trump a racist?  Just add it to the mountain of Fake News…which, by the way, is piling up like the smelly trash during a good old fashioned New York City garbage strike.

And speaking of strikes…

Strike Three!!!


1 thought on “Racism Ruse

  1. Taco Pepper

    If you were a “legitimate protester” and the guy next to you is wearing a swastika and carrying a torch, does that make you a “really fine person?” Any defense of those animals or anyone who associates with them is indefensible.

    Only one person knows if Trump is a racist. But we do know this, he prays on hate and fear and has absolutely generalized and targeted Hispanics, followers of Islam and stands and smiles as his cult of idiots chant about sending a person back to another country because they don’t like her politics.

    Our country deserves a President who attempts to serve those in all backgrounds and walks of life, not one who openly mocks and ridicules those who don’t worship him.


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