Daily Archives: August 7, 2019

Racism Ruse

I am so f*cking sick and tired of people calling Donald Trump a racist.

OK, so I have a penchant for bluntness if you haven’t noticed.

But I completely understand.  It’s just one of the many sharp instruments in the Destroy Trump Toolbox that the pathetic Leftists desperately rifle through like a kindergartener furiously searching for magenta in the crayon box.

I mean, go all the way back the 2016 campaign.  First, it was the parade of women the #MeToo Mongers hunted down and dragged out to swear on a stack of hotel bibles that The Donald might have brushed up against their left boob 25 years ago at a party.

Or was it the right one in an elevator?

Eh, who can even remember?

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