Ding Dong, The Witch Hunt is Dead

So…while only losers like me watched the entire five hours of Bob Mueller’s testimony last week like it was the seventh game of the World Series…you certainly must have seen some of it…at least the highlights…or lowlights, as it were.

Mueller looking old, confused, and in big time need of a hearing aid would not have escaped even Helen Keller on her WORST day.

Although I must admit, he DID have enough presence of mind to rebuke attempts by desperate Dem lawmakers to simply get him to read passages verbatim from his stupid, biased Russian Election Interference/Collusion report.

Basically, use him like the beloved class floozy back in the 11th grade.

But that coveted sound bite never came.  Dammit!

Have you ever SEEN such schmucks?  Me neither…

Anyway, the whole thing was…on its face…such a massive, unmitigated disaster for the Dems, it made the blazing Hindenburg inferno look like a mere backyard weenie roast.

Even the lion’s share of Communist losers incoherently blathering on CNN and MSNBC didn’t try to spin it differently.

Yet, even AFTER Mueller’s five hours of bumbling, stumbling confusion…AND subsequent to his return to Happy Trails Retirement Home for 4:00 shuffleboard and prune juice shots…Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff…Chairmen of the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, respectively…aka, Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dumbass…were inexplicably STILL full steam ahead on continued investigations and impeachment.


Me thinks a self-awareness intervention is in order.

As Buzz Lightyear would say…”TO IDIOCY…AND BEYOND!”

Anyway, let’s just cut to the chase.

Do people still say “cut to the chase?”  Hmmm…

So, for us permanent residents of Planet Reality, here’s the no spin poop on all this bullshit…

First…It was painfully clear we learned absolutely nothing new from Mueller’s embarrassing, useless testimony.  However, there was one revelation even MORE shocking than the sight of Michael Moore attempting naked burpees.

It very quickly became absurdly obvious that Mueller himself served as little more than a figurehead in this whole phony crock of an investigation.

He seemed grossly unfamiliar with the contents of the report and stunningly claimed to not even know who Fusion GPS was…the firm used by the Clinton campaign as a conduit to collude with Russia in the creation of the so-called Steele Dossier…the phony predicate for the whole corrupt investigation.

We’ll get back to that.

So who the hell DID conduct the investigation and write the report?  Well…that would be a hostile group of 18 angry Trump-hating Democrat donors and ex-Clinton Foundation Lawyers.


Second…This is STILL…and always has been…all about the 2020 election.  Nothing more, nothing less.

The daily, breathless hysteria by the Dems…and endless investigations…is for the sole purpose of keeping the word “impeachment” in the news 24/7…with the full enthusiastic participation of their smitten, water-carrying, media slaves.

Death by a thousand cuts, I think they call it.

Their scam is to have it both ways…create the illusion of “impeachment” type hearings, but having zero intention of EVER bringing Articles of Impeachment that would, A) Have a 100% chance of failure with a Republican controlled Senate, and B) Backfire politically in a big way, as Clinton’s impeachment did in 1998 for the GOP.

And lastly, the obvious seismic shift that occurred the very nanosecond Mueller was wheeled out of that hearing room.


Finally…ON OFFENSE…led by our stud QB, Attorney General Bill Barr and his multiple investigations into the crooked origin of this investigation.

To quote Flounder in Animal House…”Oh boy, is THIS great!!!”

Think about it.  Mueller report done.  Mueller testimony done.  No collusion.  No obstruction. Nowhere to go for these pathetic, nutbag Dems except to continue to mutter incoherently like the mentally ill homeless dude having a deep conversation about the meaning of life with the street corner lamppost.

Ding, Dong, The Witch Hunt is Dead.

I always suspected those little Munchkins were Republicans.

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