Immigration Anarchy

OK Alex, I’ll take Leftist Lunacy for 200.

Intellectually dishonest hypocrites.  Raving lunatics.  America hating leg-wetters.

What are three attributes of today’s liberal?


Uh…sorry…just got lost in myself for a moment, pretending to be the guy that writes questions and answers for Jeopardy.

And if there is ANY doubt in ANYONE’S mind as to the accuracy of that little answer/question combo, look no further than the reaction of the Left to Trump’s so-called “deportation raids.”

Note to Libs:  Treating the rule of law like your own personal latrine will do nothing to enhance your rapidly diminishing chances in 2020.

Just sayin’.

You know, sometimes there’s NOT two sides to an issue.  There just isn’t.  At least that’s what my better half tells me whenever I come home at 2am covered in glitter.

OK, I’m Mr. Open-Minded…so can someone PLEEEEEEEASE explain to me what in Sam F*cking Hell is wrong with deporting an illegal alien whose case has been FULLY ADJUDICATED and has been issued a COURT ORDER to exit the country?

A court order…not issued by Judge Wapner, mind you…but by a real Judge, that, ya know, went to law school and everything.


Yet, it seems the ENTIRE Left, ENTIRE Democrat party, and ENTIRE supersized gaggle of Democrat presidential candidates think this is some sort of anti-immigrant, racist, bigoted abomination.

I mean, am I missing something?

No, I’m not.  And that’s coming from a person who misses a lot of shit.

This is simply one of the dozens of examples of how unhinged hatred for President Trump gives one license…on ANY issue…to take overtly asinine, insane, and completely untenable positions.

No, that’s not a sexual reference.

But I like the way you think.

And lest we forget…their Lord and Savior Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t called Deporter-In-Chief for nuthin’.  Fact is, he kicked illegals out of the country at a far higher rate than Trump.

I’m feeling a bit nostalgic.  Who’s up for a quick trip down memory lane?

A hop, skip, and a jump ago…way, way, back in 2014…Barack Obama said…”We are a nation of laws.  Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe they must be held accountable, especially those who may be dangerous.”

And back then?  Nary a single solitary peep out of the Lying Left Wing Trump-hating Mob about deporting illegals…aka ENFORCING THE LAW.

Let’s put it this way…if intellectual dishonesty were an Olympic event, every one of these Kooky Leftist Hypocrites would be draped in more gold than the bathroom fixtures in Trump’s 5th Ave Penthouse.

And for the record…invoking the word “intellectual” in ANY context when referring to Libs makes me want to throw up.

Why Do Libs Have To Ruin EVERYTHING Good?

So while the rest of us ham-and-eggers were busting our buttons with great American pride honoring the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and the first man walking on the Moon in 1969 (also the year of the Miracle Mets!)…the realization of JFK’s 1961 dream…leave it to the Buzz Kill Brigade (apologies to Buzz Aldrin) over at The NY Times and Washington Post to take a ginormous Michael Moore-sized dump on the whole thing.

And no paraphrasing….can’t risk losing the full-on, unadulterated assholery of these statements, so….

From the NY Times…”The Apollo program was designed by men, for men.  If we do not acknowledge the gender bias of the early space program, it becomes difficult to move past it.”

From the Washington Post…”The culture that put men on the moon was intense, fun, family-unfriendly, and mostly white and male.”

OK…my first thought was that there’s not enough f*cking lithium on the planet to help these psychotic, virtue signaling loony birds.

Then I started to come around.  Dare I say an epiphany?

I mean…sure…I’m ALL for more women involvement in the Space Program.  Who isn’t?

So to that end, why don’t we get off the schneid with, say, AOC and her “Squad,” and call the initiative “Moonwalks for Moonbats.”  

One way ticket, of course.




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