Daily Archives: July 11, 2019

Red, White, and Democrat Blues

Only today’s Trump-Hating mental midgets, all likely sporting matching Che Guevara t-shirts they bought in a flash sale on Etsy, can take an epic July 4th shindig in the nation’s Capital…celebrating the greatness of America and its kick-ass military…and draw parallels to the world’s worst dictatorships.

I’ve seen saner individuals donning monogrammed straitjackets and drool buckets.

We know the drill.  An event in which Trump is involved is announced.  The Loony Leftist Leg-Wetters warn of the impending end of the Republic.  Event happens, the Republic lives.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Hey, don’t get me wrong.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE mocking these Libtards.  It’s sport for me.  In fact, one might surmise that my entire blog is based on it.  And most importantly…it brings me great joy. Continue reading