Happy 4th everyone!  If you’re anything like me, you thank God every day for being born in the greatest country in the history of the world.  If not…one simple message…


Now, on to some business.  The Drunken Republican never rests, even on holidays…

Sometimes I consider myself to be a very decisive person.  Sometimes not.  Sort of on the fence with that.

But it’s becoming increasingly difficult to focus on a single subject while living in Trump’s weekly cavalcade of chaos.  I use that personally coined phrase in awe…not disparagement.

And speaking of “focus”…fingers crossed that my ratcheted-up ADD meds will kick in…any…minute…now…

Anyway…I may as well rename my blog “Things That Pissed Me Off Last Week.”  Pretty much what it amounts to…

Excuse me?  WHO’S Fault Was This?

Did you see that horrific image of a father from El Salvador and his two-year-old daughter…both drowned…lying face down in shallow water on the Rio Grande?  And in like three nanoseconds, the entire Democrat party and their media appendage wholly blamed President Trump personally for the tragedy.

Really?  Wow, that’s not just balls.  Gall and nerve too.  Man, these lying Leftist scumbags never quit, do they?

OK, riddle me this…What causes these Central American migrants to risk sexual assault, sickness, and/or death to undertake the treacherous thousand mile trek to our southern border…horrible conditions in their home countries notwithstanding?

Never mind, I got this…

The magnet of Socialist sanctuary cities…a million places to waltz into the country because Democrats block every attempt by the Trump Administration to secure the border, or fix broken, easily manipulated asylum laws…and now, virtually every Dem presidential candidate promising free healthcare to illegal immigrants AND decriminalization of illegal border crossings…or put another way…defacto open borders.

We can do the math, Libs.  So stop lying.

The Tolerant Left 

Wow, that’s quite the oxymoron.

Well, there’s certainly no shortage of You Tube videos of Trump Supporters getting the beejeezus beat out of them, or thrown out of various business establishments,  for…well…the unforgivable crime of being a Trump supporter (more affectionately referred to in liberal circles as irredeemable deplorable Hitler-loving bastards).

Last week was no different.

First…the President’s OWN son, Eric, was spit on in a Chicago restaurant by some Crazy Lib waitress.  Why?  Because of the last name he was born with, silly goose.

Yep…hocked a loogie right on him.  Classy broad, eh?

Eric, of course, took the high road, walked away, and didn’t press charges.  Makes perfect sense for him.

Personally, I’d be seeing that piece of shit low life bitch in court.  But that’s me.

A few days later, a gay, Asian journalist…Andy Ngo…was beaten to the point of a brain hemorrhage by the anarchist cowards of Antifa in Portland.  All captured on video.  Police looked the other way.  Their Socialist mayor gladly let it happen.

Last time I looked, crapping on this dude’s civil rights is sort of frowned upon at the Justice Department, ya know?

Expect a call, Portland.  My advice?  Lawyer-up.

Both incidents, as expected, virtually ignored by the mainstream media pukes.  And because Andy Ngo is described as a conservative…complete and utter silence by gay advocacy groups, to boot. Shameful.

How many times am I proven right that every single minority advocacy group is a complete fraudulent sham?  As is the entire diversity movement.

Oh please, don’t act so shocked.

Unless you are a card carrying Lib, you are persona non grata.

With every goddamn one.  Never fails.  Never.

The Donald Makes History…Again

Call your broker!  The stock of the maker of Depends, Kimberly-Clarke, is through the roof!!


The leg-wetting by the Left was nothing short of epic after President Trump took a little detour on the way home from the G20 in Japan for a little impromptu Meet & Greet with Little Rocket Man at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

And then became the first U.S. President to set foot into North Korea!  Historic!

That’s our Donald…ever the showman.

So, what’s all the hubbub about, anyway?  Decade after decade of the policy of “strategic indifference” employed by every previous president has only exacerbated the North Korean nuclear conundrum.

Ya know…”strategic indifference”…defined as having zero idea of how to solve a f*cking problem, or simply lacking the balls to solve said problem.

The international diplomacy equivalent of putting a band aid on a severed arm.

Time for a new, unconventional approach?  YA THINK?  Risky?  Could it all blow up (pun intended)?  Of course.  It’s called bold leadership.  Something the so-called “experts” in the foreign policy establishment lack the capacity to even understand.

Like Michael Moore and calorie restriction.

Meanwhile, Kim Jung Fatass hasn’t lobbed any test missiles over Japan since 2017.

Ultimately, the “let’s be friends” act is a means to an end.  Hey, everyone likes to be stroked every once in a while.

Even overweight, murderous dictators.




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