Biden His Time

You know, when I transport my mind back to 2016, and recall that rather bloated Republican field vying for the GOP nomination for President…it was a pretty doggone bunch of distinguished, impressive, well-qualified individuals.

Yeah, yeah…I know what you’re thinking…I’m SOOOOOO shocked The Drunken Republican just LOVED the REPUBLICANS that ran in 2016.

Fine…think what you will.

But I’m sorry…when you compare THAT field to the almost couple dozen far left cranks and no name schlubs nobody’s ever f*cking heard of…um…you REALLY want to debate me on this?

‘Cause you’re gonna lose…miserably…

Sure…You got a few lefty Senators, a Gay Mayor (not that there’s anything wrong with that), a Governor or two…but c’mon.  All-in-all, this is a bigger collection of losers than the ‘62 Mets.

Truth is, the Democrat party agrees with me.


Well, sure…like Michael Moore knows he’ll always require size XXXXXXL and reinforced furniture…the Democrat party knows NONE of the Far Left Nutcakes can take down Trump…which brings us, by default, to Sleepy Joe.

Joe…BIDEN?   Obama VP…Joe Biden?  THAT Joe Biden?

You mean….the Joe Biden that ran like nineteen times before and never garnered more than like 1% in ANY polling?

Yes…THAT Joe Biden!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um…yeah…good luck with that.

OK, Presidential Elections 101…Biden being atop the polls right now means zero.  And I don’t believe ANY polls, but just for shits and grins…

Three things…1) Name recognition,  2)  Virtually no attacks yet from the other Dem candidates…although, they’re starting, and 3)  Biden hasn’t yet been bloodied in debates (his first is tonight).

Not complicated, folks.  It might even compute in Nancy Pelosi’s melon.

OK, first…why do you think you’ll see Dracula sunbathing more often than you see Biden on the campaign trail?

C’mon, have you SEEN this guy?

Biden looks old and tired.  I mean…REALLY old and REALLY tired.  Quite frankly, he looks like he’s lost and confused, in search of the Bingo room at assisted living…or his afternoon prune juice.

His supporters laughably try to scoff at all that age stuff.


Please.  You’re embarrassing yourselves.

Anyone with eyesight just a smidge better than Stevie Wonder can see that Trump is an endless ball of energy, and runs circles around people decades younger.  Just ask the folks that work for him, as they binge on energy drinks and B12 shots.

But nice try.

Secondly…what is Crazy Uncle Joe REALLY known for…other than his awesome hair plugs, and “harmless” fondling of women, of course.

The dude’s a gaffe machine, plain and simple.  Always has been.  And as sure as Maxine Waters sticks pins in her little Donald Doll every night, you know his campaign is shitting bricks every time old Joe’s in front of a microphone.

But for the rest of us, it’s gonna be a Galaxy of Glorious Gaffes for the next sixteen months or so.

Just sit back and enjoy.

And lastly…if we know one thing, it’s that the primaries are simply an exercise in the candidates running to the extremes to give their respective bases a big ideological woody.

It’s all about that base, ‘Bout that base…as that silly Meghan Trainor song says.

Then, the eventual candidate eases back towards the center for the general election.

This time though, the Democrat Party has moved SOOOOO far left, the “base” ultimately will not tolerate a centrist candidate this time around IMHO.  I could be wrong…but I doubt it.

And Joe has over 40 years of history as a relative moderate, so…

Plus, there’s no way in Sam Hell the eventual nominee can even come close to moving meaningfully back to the center they’ve sunk so deep into the middle of Lake Lefty.  I mean, sometimes you’re at the point of no return.

It would be like Caitlyn Jenner wanting to go back to being a dude again.

Ain’t happening, folks.

Here’s one last little factoid for ya…Trump and technology have rendered polling as meaningless as a treadmill in Michael Moore’s basement.

Stick a fork in Joe.





3 thoughts on “Biden His Time

  1. Stuart Zais

    Two comments:

    1. Please don’t dis the ’62 Mets by lumping them, even in jest, with these dems.
    2. Don’t knock prune juice until you’ve tried it. Or at least prunes.

  2. Taco Pepper

    There were many qualified candidates in 2016, I agree with that. Too bad we picked a bloated fat orange dishonest morally bankrupt demented delusional incompetent idiot and elected him President instead.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      The use of the words “bloated” and “fat” is redundant. If you eliminate the word “orange,” I would swear you’re talking about Michael Moore.

      So I’ll put you down as a maybe for The Donald in 2020.


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