Daily Archives: June 11, 2019

Trump’s Wonderful Week of Winning

Last week was Heaven.  Pure Heaven.

If you’re an unapologetic Trump supporter like yours truly…proudly deplorable to the effing bone…you no doubt endlessly enjoy the hysterical, unhinged reactions of the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd to The Donald…his every action…every syllable uttered…no matter how benign.

Just the mere sight of him, or hearing his name spoken out loud makes that little vein pop right out of the side of their foreheads.

Haha…YOU know the one I’m talking about!

Now, I’ve been out of college for a few…ahem…decades…but if I remember correctly from my Psych 101 class…I believe the clinical psychological term to describe such nonsensically embarrassing behavior is “LOSING ONE’S SHIT!” Continue reading