Daily Archives: May 30, 2019

The Last Straw

I have to tell you…I think I understand Donald Trump almost as well as Melania does.  Of course, she’ll know things I NEVER will.  And let’s keep it that way.

But one thing has had me entirely perplexed.  And that is why he had not as yet declassified documents relating to the various investigations of the 2016 campaign.

Because he can.  Quite easily.

I mean, the basic outline of facts are well known and documented.  Trump was set up by the dirty cops at the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to appear to have conspired with Russia to give him an advantage in the 2016 election.

Then Jim Comey’s leak of classified information to The NY Times through an intermediary, spawned…as was his intent, fully admitted in sworn testimony…the Special Counsel investigation, filling Bob Mueller’s dance card for a couple of years.

An attempted bloodless coup…that failed miserably. Continue reading