For Pete’s Sake!

If you can find it in yourself to humor me,  I’m going to wander off the reservation a bit.  Can’t be THAT predictable every week.

You know the drill…Trump good.  Democrats bad.

To be perfectly candid, I’m not going to have much of anything good to say about the gaggle of Socialists…and those laughably pretending NOT to be…running for the Democrat nomination for President over the next 18 months or so.

Please, try to hide your shock at that little peek into the future.

But I’m pretty damn impressed with one individual in the crowd of Democrats vying to be the chosen one to get waxed by The Donald in 2020.

Well, I can stay silent no longer…

Hint:  It AIN’T Beto.  God no.  A walking, talking freak show, that guy…live streams of his dentist visits and haircuts?  Make it stop.

I just can’t face his colonoscopy in HD.  And please…oh please…cease and desist with the “Beto” nonsense, Robert Francis O’Rourke.  We KNOW you’re not Hispanic.


Unless you’re a resident of South Bend, Indiana, where Pete Buttigieg is the Mayor, you likely never heard of this dude.

Don’t fret, you’re in good company.

Zero name recognition is typically death for Presidential candidates.  And a last name that nobody can pronounce does zippo to improve that situation.

Well, President Trump can help you with the latter.


Who knew Trump was such a phonetics expert?

I’m sort of partial to the “Mayor Pete” moniker, myself.

And speaking of The Donald…he too MUST see SOMETHING in Mayor Pete, as he found him worthy enough to diminish him with a newly cultivated nickname…Alfred E. Neuman…that goofy, freckled cover-boy from the old Mad Magazine.

Some resemblance, yes.  Made ME laugh out loud, anyway.

Except…nobody under 40 really gets the reference…including Mayor Pete himself.  A seemingly rare miss by the President in the nickname department.

Hey, NOBODY bats a thousand.

Anyway…as Tricky Dick Nixon used to say…Let me be perfectly clear.

There’s not a whole lot of daylight between Mayor Pete’s policy preferences and the rest of that nutty Leftist crew jonesing to take up residence in the White House.

In THAT regard, color me unimpressed.  Disgusted, in fact.

But I mean, in the spirit of total objectivity…does this guy have a resume, or what?

Harvard grad…Rhodes Scholar…Afghanistan war vet…speaks several languages…elected Mayor of South Bend, Indiana in 2011, re-elected in 2015.

All by the age of 37.  I’m pretty sure I have drawers in various stages of disintegration older than that…much to my better half’s dismay…and utter embarrassment.

Friggin’ show-off.

And all in the context of coming out as gay at some point in that journey, which couldn’t have been easy.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Ok, ok…so he looks good on paper, you ponder.  I mean, a lot of these other Socialist crackpots running for Prez have decent resumes too, right?

My thoughts exactly…until I saw this guy in action.

Smooth as silk.  Quick on his feet.  Off the charts articulate.  Engaging.  Humorous.  Thoughtful.

In other words…the antithesis of his angry, leg-wetting, Trump obsessed, Socialist competitors.

In the Town Hall he did on Fox News this past week, he appeared to charm the pants off of moderator and veteran journalist Chris Wallace.  To the point Mayor Pete often went unchallenged.

Quite an embarrassing…and atypical…performance by Wallace.  Jesus, I’m glad his Dad…legendary 60 Minutes bulldog Mike Wallace…wasn’t alive to witness that journalistic malpractice.

Basically, this guy reminds me a lot of Barack Obama back in 2008…albeit, the white, gay version.

And that’s really the point of this uncomfortable honesty on my part.

At this early point preceding the 2008 election, Obama was nowhere in the polls.  And we all know what happened.

So yeah…Mayor Pete is my dark horse/long shot pick on the Democrat side.

On the other hand…I REALLY struggle picturing lil’ old Mayor Pete going toe to toe with President Xi Jinping of China or Vlad Putin.  An imposing figure he is not.

I mean, Michael Moore inhales cheeseburgers bigger than Mayor Pete.

I suspect they would chew him up and spit him out like a spent piece of Juicy Fruit.

Chances are, we’ll never find out.








3 thoughts on “For Pete’s Sake!

  1. Tom

    I can’t live without the Drunken Republican and the weekly fun facts about Michael Moore. I didn’t know Michael loved hamburgers.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Not only does he love hamburgers, he doesn’t even care what animal they’re made out of. WOOF!

  2. Taco Pepper

    Yes, it was very refreshing to see him go on the state-run Fox News network, and without calling anyone childish nicknames or insulting people’s personal character or appearance, make articulate and intelligent arguments on behalf of his ideas. He welcomed the opportunity to present his point of view to an audience that doesn’t hear his side of the story very often. What a contrast to the void of leadership, integrity and maturity from our Fake News Whiner-In-Chief. Imagine this country being able to engage in thoughtful, meaningful debate on serious issues again. We can only hope.


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