The Sad Sack Democrats

So…The epic fail-fest began with the release of the long-awaited Mueller report…what was supposed to be Christmas turned out to be April Fools Day for the Democrats…so appropriate.

Once THAT blew up in their face like the exploding cigar your wiseguy buddy lit up for you, Plan B is a desperate orgy of contrived investigations that are nothing more than presidential harassment…for which the Democrats will be rightly kicked in the nuts at the ballot box.

Damn, almost forgot…there is one REAL investigation…that our Aussie friends would call “The Boomerang.”  The whole fraudulent concoction of this phony Russian collusion BS is getting exposed faster than your creepy neighborhood flasher on the street corner sporting a dirty raincoat and an old tattered pair of Keds.

The Inspector General has been peeling back the proverbial onion as to the origins of the corruptly spawned Mueller investigation for months and is about to break the finish line tape on all of that.  

And we finally have an Attorney General that’s all over it as well, and appears quite eager to do his f*cking job…thanks for nuthin’ Jeff Sessions, you rat fink.

Make no mistake…this won’t end well for Democrats…from Obama on down.  And especially for the dirty cops at the upper echelon of the FBI and DOJ.


Said every corrupt Trump-Hater involved in this whole sordid scheme that makes Watergate look like an improper lane change.

These crooks have been crapping in their boxers ever since election night 2016.

And it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.  Is it wrong that I will revel in their well-deserved misery?

Cutting a rug on their political graves, as it were.

Eh, who cares.  F’em.

That old saying about playing with matches comes to mind.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!…as they used to say in those old Ronco commercials.

Economic numbers rocking like a hurricane.  We all know ‘em…we all love’em…and the Libs can’t contain’em.  GDP…unemployment…wage growth…all best in decades…or ever. 

Ever’s a long time.

And like Michael Moore’s appetite…no end in sight.

The Libs have no answer for ANY of it…except to lie about the numbers and gyrate around like Mexican jumping beans whilst imploring the lemmings to not believe their own Lyin’ Eyes about the screaming economic goodness.

Tough sell.  But fun as hell to watch.

Please…somebody have mercy on these Lefty cranks and buy them a one way ticket back to their homeland on Planet Dumb Ass.  

My God, how goddamn stupid do they think people are?

Anyway…Onward and upward with the misery marathon…

At the same time most of these Lefty Lunatics running for President are cloaking themselves in Socialistic polices…we are all staring at the 24/7 visual of the wonders of full on Socialism in the once wealthy nation of Venezuela…in all its miserable glory.


Or as the Democrats like to call it…PROSPERITY!

To be perfectly crass about it…these horrid images coming out of Venezuela clearly serve as a rip-roaringly perfect 2020 campaign ad for President Trump, does it not?

Vote for these Far Left Dems, and YOU TOO can experience unfettered misery…before you croak of starvation, that is.

My God, have you EVER seen such a string of losing and bad luck.  My advice to these Leftist Trump-Hating leg-dribblers?  Stay away from Vegas.

Far, far away.

Add it all up…Jilted by Mueller…their 2016 scheme exposed…economic greatness…Venezuela…and I can’t help but equate the Dem-O-Schmucks to some sad-sack loser who on the very same day got canned from his job, wifey left him for a lesbian bodybuilder, and found out his only son was a top 3 finisher in the Miss Tranny U.S.A. pageant.

Of course, once the excruciating misery of Election Day 2020 comes and goes, they’ll be longing for those good old days.

1 thought on “The Sad Sack Democrats

  1. Taco Pepper

    Ah yes, more high praise for the economy while completely ignoring the substantial increase to the federal deficit. Do any of you red hats who read this even know the “economic boom” is fueled by the political crack known as unaffordable tax cuts and massive spend increases to give naive voters “more money to play with” that their kids and grandchildren will have to pay interest in and ultimately pay back?

    Here are some basic facts:
    2016 Deficit – $585B
    2017 Deficit – $665B
    2018 Deficit – $779
    2019 Deficit – Already $661B at the halfway mark, at risk of exceeding $1T.

    Is anybody so stupid they don’t see how this “growth” is being funded?

    And for some (I won’t name names) who preach to me the metric that matters is Deficit % to GDP, here are some numbers for you:
    2016 – 3.1%
    2017 – 3.4%
    2018 – 4.0%

    Anyway you slice it, our President is trying to buy the votes of anyone who is dumb enough or selfish enough to think this trajectory is actually sustainable.


    Thanks to President Trump for giving our country a high-cap, high interest credit card and sending them off to the massage parlor with his good buddy Robert Kraft.

    Wake up… please.


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