Daily Archives: May 9, 2019

The Sad Sack Democrats

So…The epic fail-fest began with the release of the long-awaited Mueller report…what was supposed to be Christmas turned out to be April Fools Day for the Democrats…so appropriate.

Once THAT blew up in their face like the exploding cigar your wiseguy buddy lit up for you, Plan B is a desperate orgy of contrived investigations that are nothing more than presidential harassment…for which the Democrats will be rightly kicked in the nuts at the ballot box.

Damn, almost forgot…there is one REAL investigation…that our Aussie friends would call “The Boomerang.”  The whole fraudulent concoction of this phony Russian collusion BS is getting exposed faster than your creepy neighborhood flasher on the street corner sporting a dirty raincoat and an old tattered pair of Keds. Continue reading