Economy Blues For The Blue Party

My God, waiting for Sleepy Joe Biden to FINALLY enter the 2020 presidential scrum felt every bit like the misery of waiting an hour and a half in line to ride Space Mountain.

At least there’s the payoff of an exhilarating thrill at The Mouse House.

What the hell did Biden give us for the marathon of waiting?

Some boring, lame-ass video where he looked more like a goddamn hostage than a presidential candidate.  I found myself searching for some hooded ISIS filth twirling their machetes in the background.

And thanks for the insinuations Joe, about what a miserable, racist scumbag Trump is.

About as original as your hair plugs.

Anyway, let’s move on to the subject at hand.  It’s time for Sleepy Joe’s post-prune juice, mid-afternoon siesta.

Like those Mark Twain rumors way back when, reports of the death of the U.S. economy has been greatly exaggerated.

We’ve heard it a million times before, but one of the very few things both sides of the aisle seem to agree on as it relates to Presidents getting re-elected…IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!

Slick Willy Clinton’s crack campaign strategist James Carville said that way back in ‘92, and it stuck because it’s so true.  Of course, that was years after he blew us away with his banjo playing skills on the big screen, strumming away on that bridge in Deliverance.

Anyway…The 1st quarter GDP growth number released last week was another stellar one…3.2%…in what is historically the weakest quarter of the year.

This was WAY higher, by the way, than the gloom and doom Trump-Hating Lib economist projections.  Constantly talking down the economy has become sport for these mental midgets.

Another swift kick in the nads for the Democrats.

These losers better start freezing their sperm…one or two more quarters like this, and they won’t be able to have kids.

So…ever notice that whenever a Democrat or some Lib talking head is asked what THEY would do if they held the reins of the economy, they incoherently blather…”WE WANT AN ECONOMY THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE.”

Meaningless political gobbledygook, and in context of where we are economically in this country, a demonstrably nonsensical assertion. Reason #94 why people hate politicians and The Donald is catching his zzzz’s every night in the White House…and Hillary isn’t.

Ya like apples, Libs?  How do ya like THESE apples…3% GDP growth continues, as promised, obliterating the previous Administration’s pathetic “new normal” of endless anemic, flaccid growth.

Lowest unemployment numbers EVER…or close to ever…for pretty much every minority, women, etc…Best wage growth in decades – the biggest winners being those at the LOWER RUNGS of the economic ladder.

Let’s see…hmmm…minorities?  Check.  Women?  Check.  Poor people?  Check.

Sounds like it’s working for damn near EVERYONE to me.

AND sustainable, by the way…which is what you get when you drastically change the fundamentals…taxes, regulations, etc…for the better.

And since they can’t do it themselves…for painfully obvious reasons…I will now take the liberty of articulating the Democrat plan for the economy:

1)  Jack up taxes into the stratosphere.
2)  Lather on business killing regulations.
3)  Wait for Fed to lower interest rates to zero to avoid recession.

In other words…what Obama and Biden did.  Anyone for THAT misery again?  Anyone?  Bueller? Bueller?

F*cking Morons.

Watching these Socialist candidates tap dance around this question like Sammy Davis Jr. for the next 18 months will be more fun than participating in a wrestling match with Ivanka and Melania at Mar-A-Lago in a vat of imported Foie Gras.

I’m on the fence as to whether I should apologize for that visual, or say “you’re welcome.”

1 thought on “Economy Blues For The Blue Party

  1. Taco Pepper

    Great financial data. I would think a thorough assessment like this would also include how this inspirational growth relates to our deficit spending? Any trained monkey who understands basic economics understands that this “growth” is coming at the expense of our children and grandchildren as the deficit is exploding in relation to the past 5 years. And yet, this economic genius of a President wants $2T for infrastructure, more funding for border security, and more political crack in terms of lower interest rates at the Fed. All of this nonsensical math is for one purpose, making as many voters happy as possible with endless tax cuts, economic “growth” and free spending for everyone. I agree with you, it will no doubt help his re-election chances, but only because so many people are so incredibly stupid they actually believe this voodoo economic disaster is remotely sustainable.


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