Daily Archives: May 2, 2019

Economy Blues For The Blue Party

My God, waiting for Sleepy Joe Biden to FINALLY enter the 2020 presidential scrum felt every bit like the misery of waiting an hour and a half in line to ride Space Mountain.

At least there’s the payoff of an exhilarating thrill at The Mouse House.

What the hell did Biden give us for the marathon of waiting?

Some boring, lame-ass video where he looked more like a goddamn hostage than a presidential candidate.  I found myself searching for some hooded ISIS filth twirling their machetes in the background.

And thanks for the insinuations Joe, about what a miserable, racist scumbag Trump is.

About as original as your hair plugs.

Anyway, let’s move on to the subject at hand.  It’s time for Sleepy Joe’s post-prune juice, mid-afternoon siesta. Continue reading