Here’s how God Awful things are for the Democrats right now.

Nancy Pelosi is acting like the sane one of the bunch.

I think I’m gonna be sick.

On Seinfeld, they call that “Bizarro World.”

While the Far Left wing of the Democrat party and their nutty base are still screaming for impeachment…Aunt Nancy knows damn well THAT would be political suicide.

Still, House Judiciary Committee Chairman and human weeble Jerry Nadler, and his partner in crime, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, whose bug eyes are a dead ringer for Vincent Price in…and AS…The Fly,” circa 1958…can’t seem to come to grips with the NO COLLUSION reality.

While I typically don’t have much use for polls…it’s quite predictable that every single one that asks people to identify the most important issues confronting Americans, things like immigration, healthcare, and the economy come out on top EVERY time.

RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!! doesn’t even make the list.  In fact, I think knowing who’s dating that gargoyle from SNL, Pete Davidson, ranked ahead of it.

Anyway, what we are witnessing now is nothing short of glorious.  The Democrats have strapped on a political suicide vest and their stubby little finger is hovering over the button.

After two excruciating years of a bogus and corruptly contrived investigation, what does Bobby Mueller have to say about Trump conspiring with Russia?


To quote Porky Pig…no, not Michael Moore, the REAL Porky…Th, Th, Th, That’s ALL Folks!

Game, Set, Match for you tennis aficionados.

Except the Democrats and their kissing cousins in the media have seamlessly…and embarrassingly…transitioned to…OBSTRUCTION!

Guess they were too busy calling people racist and bigots to even notice Attorney General Barr rightly putting the kibosh on all that.

Still, the hysterical Dems are breathlessly clinging to the nonsensical Volume 2 of the Mueller report…which purposely…and desperately lays out a political…NOT LEGAL…potential obstruction case against The Donald.

A political consolation prize of sorts.

To: House Dems
Merry F*cking Christmas!
From: Your friend, Bob.

They’re hanging their hats on several instances of Trump lashing out and apparently threatening OBSTRUCTIONARY things behind closed doors.

Boo Hoo.

Except…um…yeah…those “things” NEVER happened.

You would be pissed too if your own government was attempting a silent coup to throw you out of office…or at least debilitate you to the point of governing impotency.

No little blue pill for THAT.

The pesky facts?  Not a single road block was erected to inhibit Mueller’s investigation.  The White House provided total and complete access to documents and witnesses. 

Mueller himself said so.

No executive privilege invoked.  No attorney/client privilege invoked.  And most importantly…no underlying crime to obstruct in the first place, for shit’s sake.

For the Dumb-O-Crats, this latest misdirection is more of a dead-end than Loser Hillary’s White House run.

Now they’re ACTUALLY gonna drag Mueller himself to testify before Congress next month?

Another new Lib sport is born…Extreme Dead Horse Beating.

Me thinks a trip to Frontal Lobotomy’s-R-Us is in order for these Lefty psychos.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!…as they used to say in those old commercials.  They’ll re-interview witnesses, they’re going after Trump’s business dealings years…DECADES…before he ever christened the White House commode.

And of course, the never-ending quest for tax returns.  My God, did Superman spin the world back to 2016 when I was in a drunken stupor?

What next?  A subpoena for his third grade f*cking book report on Honest Abe?

These crazy Libs are like someone on the receiving end of a bad breakup, turning into political stalkers, if you will, pathetically clanking little stones against Trump’s bedroom window at 2am.

I never did that.  Maybe once.

But the Delirious Dems have NO choice but to keep this party going…any way they can…until 2020…as a big shiny penny distraction.

If you haven’t heard, Inspector General Michael Horowitz is just weeks away from completing his report on the origins of this phony Russian collusion bullshit.  And AG Barr is all in.

We already know the drill…the Fake dossier, paid for by Hillary VIA RUSSIA…and used to illegally obtain four FISA warrants resulting in spying on the Trump campaign.

All fact…Watergate X 1000.

Welcome to the Banana Republic!

How long before Crazy Bernie adds FREE BANANAS! to his platform?

Note to Obama lovers:  It’s unfathomable to think Barry didn’t know every nook and cranny of this scheme to take down a sitting President…if not directing it himself.

Perp Walk Parade to follow.

In the end, the detonator on that suicide vest strapped to the Dems WILL be pushed…by them, or someone else.

Either way….it’s KA-BOOM!




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