Textbook Trump

I get Donald Trump.  I get him.  I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…it just is.

Maybe it’s because I’m originally from Queens like him.  Maybe it’s because I ALSO absolutely relish saying shit that I KNOW drives people batty.  

Ya know, just for the reaction.

Maybe it’s all of that.  Or none of that.

I don’t know.

But I do know one thing…not much of what The Donald does or says is by accident.  Stream of consciousness rally riffing and unfettered exaggerations notwithstanding…he passively attacks his opponents by simply saying or tweeting things that HE KNOWS will send them off the deep end.

But why? 

Easy.  They get hysterical and unglued.  They can’t think straight.  Raging rage.

And most importantly… IT.  GETS.  THEM.  OFF.  THEIR.  GAME.

Trump hating politicians and Media nitwits are no different from elite athletes when they’re off their game.

And when that happens?

They can’t perform.  Whereas a pitcher can’t find the plate, or a QB can’t hit the side of a barn…it causes Trump haters in politics and media to almost involuntary say stupid, demonstrably false, asinine shit.

And make complete blithering idiots of themselves in the process.

Hand them noose.  They place around their necks.  Sit back and enjoy.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Take Trump’s latest immigration brainchild.  The southern border is an unmitigated shit show. DHS and ICE are crying uncle.  Something’s gotta give.

And one quick aside…it IS an emergency.  A crisis.  Whatever the f*ck you want to call it.  If Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson says it…not to mention The NY Times and WaPost FINALLY saying it…so can EVERY other Lib.

Anyone not legally blind and with an IQ over 50 knows it.

Maybe that’s why the perfectly eye-sighted Pelosi doesn’t get it.

Anyway…our Problem Solver-In-Chief connects a few dots, and says…Hey, we’re busting at the seams on the southern border with illegal aliens, our stupid immigration laws…created by stupid politicians and inexplicably made worse by activist Lib judges…don’t allow us to deport much of anybody anymore, and the poor border towns in Texas and Arizona are bearing the brunt of this Democrat enabled clusterf*ck.

Hmmm…what to do…what to do…HEY WAIT, I HAVE AN IDEA!!!

Why don’t we do the border towns a big solid, bestow upon them some desperately needed relief, and move a bunch of these lawbreaking phony asylum seekers to the current myriad of sanctuary cities?  I mean…the mayors of these places proudly beat their chests 24//7 about how welcome illegals are in their communities…do they not?

Like carnival barkers…COME ONE, COME ALL!!!

A classic win/win.  Everyone’s happy.


A perfectly logical solution…THAT. WILL. NEVER. HAPPEN.  The “Resistance” will make sure of it.

Legal issues.  Logistical issues.  Funding issues.  Whatever.

Doesn’t matter.  It’s textbook Trump.

In one fell swoop, The Donald provided a perfectly logical idea to alleviate the impact of the border chaos short term…drove the Libs absolutely out of what remains of their feeble minds…and exposed yet another massive Leftist hypocrisy.

A political trifecta, if you will…WELL DONE!

Most emblematic of this newly created Lib sport…Extreme Leg Wetting…is Governor of The People’s Republic of California, the impeccably coiffed Gavin Newsom, who seemingly never met an illegal immigrant he didn’t want to shower benefits upon paid for by California taxpayers…incoherently spewed the following unhinged gibberish..

“It’s ludicrous. It’s petulant…It lacks any rationale. It’s insulting to the American people and to the intelligence of the American people. It’s un-American. It’s illegal. It’s immoral. It’s rather pathetic. I don’t know what more I can say.” 

That’s OK Gavin, take a deep breath…you’ve said quite enough…unless of course you’d like to keep embarrassing yourself after you slip into a momentarily dry pair of Depends.

Of course…OF COURSE what I’ve described with the previous 600 or so words is the very REAL affliction affectionately known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But the way The Donald uses it to his advantage is as masterful and a joy to watch as Trump’s buddy Tiger Woods taking home the green jacket last Sunday.



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