Daily Archives: April 18, 2019

Textbook Trump

I get Donald Trump.  I get him.  I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…it just is.

Maybe it’s because I’m originally from Queens like him.  Maybe it’s because I ALSO absolutely relish saying shit that I KNOW drives people batty.  

Ya know, just for the reaction.

Maybe it’s all of that.  Or none of that.

I don’t know.

But I do know one thing…not much of what The Donald does or says is by accident.  Stream of consciousness rally riffing and unfettered exaggerations notwithstanding…he passively attacks his opponents by simply saying or tweeting things that HE KNOWS will send them off the deep end.

But why? 

Easy.  They get hysterical and unglued.  They can’t think straight.  Raging rage.

And most importantly… IT.  GETS.  THEM.  OFF.  THEIR.  GAME. Continue reading