Monthly Archives: April 2019


Here’s how God Awful things are for the Democrats right now.

Nancy Pelosi is acting like the sane one of the bunch.

I think I’m gonna be sick.

On Seinfeld, they call that “Bizarro World.”

While the Far Left wing of the Democrat party and their nutty base are still screaming for impeachment…Aunt Nancy knows damn well THAT would be political suicide.

Still, House Judiciary Committee Chairman and human weeble Jerry Nadler, and his partner in crime, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, whose bug eyes are a dead ringer for Vincent Price in…and AS…The Fly,” circa 1958…can’t seem to come to grips with the NO COLLUSION reality. Continue reading

Textbook Trump

I get Donald Trump.  I get him.  I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…it just is.

Maybe it’s because I’m originally from Queens like him.  Maybe it’s because I ALSO absolutely relish saying shit that I KNOW drives people batty.  

Ya know, just for the reaction.

Maybe it’s all of that.  Or none of that.

I don’t know.

But I do know one thing…not much of what The Donald does or says is by accident.  Stream of consciousness rally riffing and unfettered exaggerations notwithstanding…he passively attacks his opponents by simply saying or tweeting things that HE KNOWS will send them off the deep end.

But why? 

Easy.  They get hysterical and unglued.  They can’t think straight.  Raging rage.

And most importantly… IT.  GETS.  THEM.  OFF.  THEIR.  GAME. Continue reading


I have quite a sentimental affinity for Creepy Joe Biden.

You see…Bumbling Biden played an instrumental role in losing my blogging virginity on August 17, 2016, in an aptly titled dissertation called “Crazy Uncle Joe.”

It was basically a response to a campaign speech he delivered somewhere while stumping for Crooked Hillary.  I methodically and gleefully tore apart every stupid Trump-Hating sentiment he regurgitated with the usual hysterical breathless fury.

Angry bastards, those Democrats.  Some things never change.

This time, however, I’m gonna stick up for Creepy Joe…and I DO say that affectionately.  I’m sorry, but I’m not down with the Sniveling Socialist grievance mob making him twist in the wind like a palm tree in a hurricane. Continue reading

Trump Unleashed

President Trump…fresh off the long-awaited conclusion of the strength-sapping and corruptly conceived Russian Collusion investigation, starring Bob Mueller…no Collusion, no Obstruction, zippo…celebrated last week with a raucous rally in Michigan with 15,000 of his closest friends.

Not to mention the 20,000 poor bastards that couldn’t get in.

Like King Kong busting out of his shackles…It’s The Donald…UNLEASHED!


He dropped the “BS” word in its full and utter glory.

He officially anointed California Congressman, part-time Russian conspiracy theorist, and full-time Trump-Hating Douche-Bag, Adam Schiff, as “Pencil Neck.”

I swear, Trump majored in Business and minored in nicknames.

On the one hand, the favorable end of the Mueller investigation jacked-up his swagger.

On the other hand…how can you even tell? Continue reading