The Collusion Cookie Crumbles

A political happy ending, indeed.

No, NOT of the “Robert Kraft South Florida Asian Massage Parlor” variety.


It’s the merciful end to the 22 month Bob Mueller Russian collusion witch hunt….conceived on a pretense more false than the room full of triple D’s in a plastic surgeon’s office on Rodeo Drive.

No Collusion.  No Obstruction.  No more indictments.  No nothing.  Nada.

A little summary, if I might…

500 witnesses interviewed.
2800+ subpoenas issued
500 search warrants executed.
20 Full Time Federal Prosecutors
40 Full Time FBI Agents
675 Days
Multiple lives ruined forever
Unlimited Funding
Unlimited Time


Yet the Democrats and their bootlicking brethren in the media are breathtakingly ignoring this report, and commencing their semantic fantasy shit show.

OK, wait a cotton pickin’ minute.  (That’s a racist phrase if you didn’t know).

I know I’m old and confused.  But I thought Mueller was their ultimate authority on this thing? The Be-All, End-All of Russian Collusion Orthodoxy.

All we heard month after month in a seemingly endless loop, ad nauseam, was…LET MUELLER DO HIS INVESTIGATION!!!  LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!  TRUMP BETTER NOT FIRE HIM!!!

Except they didn’t get the goddamn answer they expected, and now they’d have you believe Barney F*cking Fife led this investigation.

These subversive losers are nothing more than a jilted bride left at the altar in a pool of dripping mascara, refusing to even ponder the possibility of moving on.

Like a short order cook at The Waffle House whose skillet just exploded…the Dem and Media impeachment mongers will NEVER wipe the egg off their lying smug mugs.

And for the love of God…can we PLEASE cease the bullshit once and friggin’ for all, and acknowledge the REAL scandal here?

Which we knew almost from the beginning…thanks to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees…The Wall Street Journal…The Hill…and a myriad of other kick-ass investigative journalists.

The Fake News Media whitewash is officially over.

The salacious, unverified dossier, purchased FROM RUSSIA by the Clinton campaign…TO ALTER THE OUTCOME OF AN ELECTION…for millions of dollars funneled through a law firm to an opposition research firm, corruptly and illegally peddled as truth to the FISA court to get approval to spy on the Trump campaign…all for the purpose of illegitimately spawning a fallacious Special Counsel.

THIS ISN’T OVER…NOT BY A LONGSHOT!…said every Trump hating 2016 election denier…despite the findings of their Messiah, Little Bobby Mueller.

As much as I am loathe to agree with ANY Trump Hating Lib…They are dead-on right about ONE thing.  This mess ISN’T over. 

In fact, the Accountability Orgy has just begun.

For current Dems in Congress who continue to apoplecticly deny their boy Mueller’s conclusions, led by their Trump Hating Master, Shifty Adam Schiff, Congressman from The People’s Republic of California.

Or the land of fruits and nuts as Archie Bunker used to so aptly refer.

For their media bitches, whose motivation was never truth, but to destroy a sitting President they despised and viewed as illegitimate.

And don’t hold your breath waiting for anything resembling an apology.

But most of all, for Obama’s Deep State Scumbag Henchmen in his FBI and DOJ who perpetrated this Banana Republic crap…an attempted coup, sans guns…a scandal so monumental, it makes Watergate look like a 6-year-old girl in pigtails hawking lemonade in her driveway without a permit.

Thank God for Amazon Prime…I just took it upon myself to arrange to have drop shipped everything these crooks will be needing in the near future…monogrammed orange jumpsuits, and a case of Vaseline.

And if ALL that isn’t scrumptious enough…

Michael Avenatti, creepy porn lawyer…as Tucker Carlson calls him…and ex-counselor to Stormy Daniels…ya know, of Donald Trump 2006 one-night stand fame…is being indicted for trying to extort up to $25 million from Nike.  And bank and wire fraud charges to boot.

What a Corrupt Douche Bag.

For Trump, it’s like he just won the Super Bowl…then was informed, YOU’RE ALSO THE MVP!!!

The Tom Brady of politics, if you will.  Endless winning.

Yet CNN and MSNBC practically gave professional ambulance chaser and Trump Hater Avenatti his own show in their quest to take down The Donald.  Hundreds of excruciating, embarrassing appearances. 

Like they didn’t know what a corrupt fraud, sub-human piece of excrement he was from the get-go.

As far as I’m concerned…and likely about 150 million others…these phony “news” outlets ought to just close up shop, because their credibility as legitimate news organizations is as beyond repair as Bruce Jenner’s genitals.

Look at me.  Two weeks in a row I dropped the word genitals in my political blog.

Not to brag, but that ain’t easy.

1 thought on “The Collusion Cookie Crumbles

  1. Taco Pepper

    “Multiple lives ruined forever.” Which convicted or indicted associates of our esteemed President am I supposed to feel sorry for again?

    I guess I’m supposed to be relieved that our own President didn’t formally collude with the Russian government in their clear and well-documented actions on behalf of President Trump in 2016. Perhaps if our great President didn’t constantly praise some of the world’s worst leaders (Putin, Kim, Xi) while endlessly trashing our most steadfast allies, it wouldn’t have been so easy to envision the unimaginable. Perhaps if he spent half the time condemning bigotry, white supremacists, and discrimination based on sexual preference as he does the media, we would see him as something besides the ego-maniacal, narcissistic, aspiring dictator that he is.


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