Daily Archives: March 14, 2019

The Three Stoogettes

Surely you’ve heard of them.  I wish I hadn’t.  Alexandria Ocasio-Dumbass…er…Cortez.  Ilhan Omar.  Rashida Tlaib.  Phew, that’s a mouthful (insert inappropriate joke here ________).  All newly elected freshman Congresswomen from New York, Minnesota, and Michigan, respectively.

It appears Anti-Semitic, America-Hating Socialist Congresswomen come in three’s.  Like famous people dying.  And blind mice.

With apologies to Curley, Moe, and Larry (sorry Shemp, but screw you), I have brilliantly anointed these three empty-headed morons The Three Stoogettes.  

And while I possess no actual video of it, I can completely visualize them bopping each other on the coconut with mallets somewhere in the back of the House Chamber, causing them to spew stupid, offensive shit every time they flap their gums.

And like a Botox shortage, they’re Nancy Pelosi’s worst nightmare. Continue reading