Survivor: White House

Did any of you happen to catch the thing of beauty that was The Donald’s CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) keynote speech last Saturday? 

My God. 

At just over two hours, his longest speech ever…completely off script…stream of consciousness riffing reminiscent of a Robin Williams appearance on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show couch 30 years ago.

So…once I recovered enough from basking in the sheer joy of being so fully and wonderfully entertained, I pondered a couple of random thoughts…

First…Trump is the absolute star of the biggest reality show in the universe.  And I say that in awe, not disparagement.  If his current D.C. Reality Show is “Gone With The Wind”…his old “Apprentice” show is, in comparison, merely a middle school production of “Grease.”

With the weight of the world on his shoulders, Trump the showman is the King of Survivor: White House.  And with an ego as massive as Kim Kardashian’s bulbous derrière…he’s having the time of his life.

And it’s palpable.

Secondly…There will not be a single 2020 Democrat presidential candidate that won’t be gleefully chewed up and spit out by Trump like a spent piece of Juicy Fruit.  C’mon, think about it.  Which one of these misfit Socialist lightweights can even legitimately stand on a stage with him?

Obama could have pulled it off.  But not any of these current losers.

In the BIG personality department, Trump is King Kong…the Lefty Pretenders a teeny-weeny Fay Wray.

And when they inevitably descend into Trump’s abyss as he’s slinging nicknames and insults like a short order cook slings hash at some greasy spoon in Anytown, U.S.A…well, it’s gonna get ugly.

Just ask Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, and Low Energy Jeb.

Investigation Nation

As expected, the brand spanking new Democrat controlled House of Representatives has a plethora of investigations already tee’d up to wade into issues critical to the well-being of the American people…like Trump’s tax returns, and The Donald allegedly inflating asset values decades ago in pursuit of business loans.


You tell me…other than the Socialist elites in Manhattan and Malibu, is there one f*cking person on the planet that cares about Trump’s tax returns or business dealings light years before he made mincemeat of Hillary?  Jesus.

I try to be understanding…I REALLY do.  In fact, if I were to imitate Trump’s superlative-speak, I COULD say I am the single most understanding person ever.  I mean, with the collusion and obstruction dreams crashing before our very eyes, these Looney Libs must feel like a starving actress waiting tables in LA, longing for that big break that never comes.

The Dems are cruising the highway bound for Articles of Impeachment…but it will prove to be their Highway to Hell.

Nice little shout out to AC/DC, huh?

And I pray every night to Almighty God that these jerk-off Leftists reach their destination of Impeachmentville, because it will fail as miserably as Michael Moore’s last foray into intermittent fasting.

The next NY Times bestseller?  “HOW TO LOSE A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS”…By The Pathetic Democrats.

Trump/Kim II

Kim Jung-Fatass is never going to get rid of his Nukes.  Feels like the worst kept secret on the planet.  But Trump has brilliantly developed a relationship with that little troll that no President has ever even attempted, stroked his ego a bit, even let him sit at the adult table.

The result?  A massive dialing down of tensions, no nuclear testing, no missiles flying over Japan, no threats of nukes sailing into the Space Needle.

And Obama told Trump that North Korea was his single worst problem.

Kim wants to stay in power.  That’s it.  Full stop.  And he knows he’ll be a big, fat (literally) pile of ashes if he pushes the red button.  Sure, we’ll continue to go thru the NOKO denuclearization motions.  But in the interim, aren’t we in a bit of a sweet spot?

The biggest joke…other than those silly black tent-like outfits Kim likes to sport…is the so-called “experts” in the political establishment trashing Trump’s out-of-the-box approach that is clearly bearing fruit.

These are the same people whose foreign policy failings over the past several decades have handed us the current shit shows in North Korea, the Middle East, and elsewhere.

It’s like a ballplayer batting .203 lecturing Pete Rose on the finer points of hitting.

All of this makes me harken back to a variation of that old split-screen anti-drug commercial…This is your brain.  This is your brain with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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