Narrative Nirvana

I’ll bet you my entire 401k that 99% of the country never heard of this schmuck lefty actor Jussie Smollett before he let Trump Derangement Syndrome hijack his better senses.    

I know I didn’t.

You’ll have to take my word for it, but I was damn sure this abhorrent stunt he pulled…one that could very well have started race riots across the country…was more of a hoax than Bob Mueller’s boondoggle, Trump’s “Secret Russian Agent” status, Al Gore’s and AOC’s 24/7 proclamations of impending climate doom…maybe even Sasquatch, for shit’s sake.

Ok, maybe not Sasquatch.

In keeping with the “acting” theme, allow me to set the scene…inner city Chicago…2:00am…sub-zero freezing temperatures.

Let ALL that marinate for a moment.

And we’re to believe that two MAGA hat wearing Trump sycophants are roaming the streets…in THAT area…at THAT time…in THOSE conditions…to assault some random black dude?  And slip a noose over his neck for FULL dramatic effect?

A NOOSE!?  Give me a f*cking break.

All the while, screaming…”THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY!”

MAGA COUNTRY my ass…there wasn’t a Trumpster within a hundred miles of THAT place.

Be honest…you didn’t believe it either.

But the Lying Leftist Media…every prominent Democrat, including several presidential wannabes…Hollywood…ALL BELIEVED IT.

“A MODERN DAY LYNCHING!!!” they gleefully proclaimed.

No evidence…no investigation…no use of the word “alleged.”

These media scam artists treat journalistic standards and integrity like my cat treats the pile she just covered up in her litter box.

The implication that ONLY IN TRUMP’S AMERICA could something like this happen screamed louder than your wife when you stumble home at 3am covered in glitter.

It was Narrative Nirvana.  As opposed to all those years ago at the O.J. trial…THIS glove fits quite nicely, thank-you-very-much.

It HAD to be true.  It just HAD to be.

Until it wasn’t.

About as surprising as rain in Seattle.

And when it all inevitably crumbled like Pocahontas’s White House dreams after her cockamamie DNA test…crickets.

Apologies?  Mea Culpas?  

Surely you jest.

What makes this even all the more stunning is how it’s right on the heels of that high school kid who DARED TO SMILE AT A NATIVE AMERICAN ACTIVIST BANGING A GODDAMN DRUM TWO INCHES FROM HIS NOSE!

The same Fake News Media, same Socialist politicians, and same Hollywood Hypocrites are STILL scrubbing the hardened rotten egg from their lying smug kissers over THAT one.

I’m gonna break the “never say never” rule.  The national mainstream media NEVER, NEVER, NEVER reports the near daily physical assaults on Trump supporters.

Just Fox News…local affiliates where incidents occur…a smattering of conservative websites.  As Porky Pig said…No, not Michael Moore, the REAL Porky…TH TH TH TH TH THAT’S ALL FOLKS!!!

In just the last couple weeks…A conservative student at a recruiting event at UC-Berkeley is cold-cocked by a some Trump-Hating Socialist…A dude simply eating alone in a Massachusetts restaurant donning a red MAGA hat is attacked by some crazy broad who just happens to be an illegal alien and is now in ICE custody…

Not done, just hate long paragraphs…

An 81-year-old guy, red MAGA hat resting on his bald noggin, is physically attacked in a New Jersey supermarket…A 14-year-old kid wearing the signature hat in a Vans shoe store in a Kansas mall is cursed at by an employee, whose boss later told him…YOU’RE FIRED!


All of this crap translates to nothing more than a quadrupling down of Hillary’s “Deplorable” blunder which likely cost her the election…the 92 other reasons notwithstanding.

Couple that with the current dog squeeze Socialist policies that every Dem presidential candidate has cloaked themselves in…and I would offer the following to Mr. Trump were I advising him…

Graciously accept the gift of 2020 that’s currently being served to you on a shiny Tiffany’s silver platter…take the billion dollars you were GOING to spend on the 2020 campaign…and build 50 miles of big, beautiful wall instead.







2 thoughts on “Narrative Nirvana

  1. Taco Pepper

    Or he could spend that billion dollars to help offset the MASSIVE deficit increase that is coming from his unaffordable tax cuts for the millionaires among us. The only thing this buffoon is building is a massive interest bill your kids and grandchildren will have to pay back.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      That would be another good use of the funds. At least we agree he won’t need the billion for 2020. But don’t feel bad…2024 will be here in a flash. And last I looked, Presidents are only allowed two terms. Maybe we need to change that? Hmmm….


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