Media Suicide

Anyone that’s read my blog even once or twice is well aware of my complete and utter disdain for the lying left-wing propagandists in the Fake News Media.  It may go without saying, but I’m of course referring to the NATIONAL media…the major TV networks, NY Times, WaPost…and other such liberal activist rags that are only good for one thing…house training puppies.

Or maybe lining the bottom of Polly’s bird cage.  OK, fine…that’s two things.

I really do believe, however, that local newspapers and TV stations, generally speaking, do a pretty decent job of reporting on state and local issues.  And it’s not that those newsrooms aren’t chock full of liberal Trump-hating nuts.

They are.  

It’s just that, typically, there’s not much need for slanted, leftist advocacy reporting when you’re doing stories on things like controversial zoning issues and police blotter crap…trailer fires, drug deals gone bad, or some pervert in a tattered raincoat flashing an unsuspecting soccer mom fondling cantaloupes at the local Safeway.

Why I felt compelled to offer that little clarification, I’m not sure.  But I feel better.

And it IS all about me…right, Honey?

One of the major symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome…that is, other than serious struggles with bladder control…is a rapid loss of self-awareness.  Like some butterball frolicking on the beach in a bikini nine sizes too small.

Short, fat, and squatty…all ass and no body, as someone near and dear to me used to say.

But I digress.

So…when the media on a daily basis reports breathlessly and hysterically on Donald Trump’s every action, every syllable uttered…when they are often the exact same things done and said by Obama, Bush, and other Presidents…WE ALL SEE IT.  WE DO.  WE REALLY DO.

Back in 2014, Barack Obama said…”We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all.  In recent weeks we’ve seen a surge of unaccompanied children arrive at the border, brought here and to other countries by smugglers and traffickers.”

Wait, what?

The President recently said the following from the Oval Office…”Last month 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States…a dramatic increase.  These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs.“

If these two messages were babies, they’d be identical twins.

Enter the Socialist, Leg-Wetting Media…stage LEFT, of course…

The Fake News Washington Post in 2014 during President Messiah’s regime, referred to, “the current crisis on the Southwest border, where authorities have apprehended tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children since October …”

Surprised they lifted their heads off of Obama’s lap long enough to write that.

But NOW?

As a recent article in The Washington Examiner pointed out, the writer of that 2014 story, Karen Tumulty, completely crapped on the idea of ANY crisis at the border in a recent appearance on MSNBC, blathering, “We are headed to this extraordinary situation where the president declares a state of emergency, which does not exist, and the law does not really explain what we do if the president manufactures an emergency.”

What a difference a few years…and a despised orange-haired occupant of the White House…makes.

Epic, laughable, pathetic hypocrisy.

Not to be outdone by their bastard step-sibling, the failing NY Times back in 2014 wrote, “This is what it looks like when an immigration system is overwhelmed by tens of thousands of women and children from Central America.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency has been ordered to coordinate efforts to contain the crisis.”

But NOW?

The Times editorial board said that the crisis is actually “in the Oval Office.”

Like the great John McEnroe once shrieked…“YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!!!”

The good news?  It’s all for naught because nobody believes one goddamn word reported by the national media in The Age of Trump.  But like I used to say in my youth at nickel beer night...”KEEP IT COMIN’.”  

That damn aforementioned self-awareness thing.

Credibility suicide.  2020 suicide.  And they even saved us the trouble of handing them the noose. 

Much appreciated.

So while the TDS media continues to fantasize about Trump’s political…or literal…demise…either will do…I’ll reserve my fantasies to normal shit, like winning the Powerball, or jetting off for a weekend getaway to the Swiss Alps with Ivanka on Air Force One.

Clothing optional.

The fact that the media’s approval rating is just below hemorrhoids and acid reflux should tell you…and them…something.





1 thought on “Media Suicide

  1. Taco Pepper

    Dishonesty and inaccurate reporting in the media is definitely an issue. Here is a simple follow-up question.. does it bother you how dishonest and inaccurate our President is in his daily communications, or are you ok with that since he’s not a part of the media? If you need some examples, I’m happy to provide them.


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