Daily Archives: February 13, 2019

Out Of The Closet

The double-digit sub-zero temps all over the country a couple of weeks ago were a nice kick in the nads for the nervous nellies who reside in the Wacky World of Global Warming.

I love it when that happens.

In fact, it’s been reported that Al Gore tripled his depression meds when he realized the weather folks were saying POLAR VORTEX…not SOLAR VORTEX.  Jesus Al, get a friggin’ hearing aid.  It’s OK…they have low carbon footprints.  At least a million times less than your private jet.

Poor Al still can’t catch a break…I mean, he loses the Presidency by 537 lousy votes, and you can STILL cruise the streets of Manhattan and Miami without a snorkel.

How in Sam Hell DOES he cope?

What a schmuck.

Anyway… Continue reading