Socialist Smackdown…Trump Style

I love the State of the Union…the pomp and circumstance…the tradition…Pelosi sitting behind Trump with a big, dumb look on her face.

Well, OK…her normal expression.

Hey, it was more exciting than that crappy, boring Super Bowl two days earlier.

Sixteen lousy points…gimme a break.

So….The state of the union is…constipated?  Or so it seemed by looking at the anguished mugs of every Democrat, who looked like one would if they inhaled six pounds of provolone and were completely…um…backed-up….and there was a strike at the Ex-Lax factory.

Put simply, Trump crushed it.  The litany of accomplishments, the unwavering strength, the calls for unity and bipartisanship, the bold agenda, the weaving in of the inspirational stories of special invitees to highlight certain themes…and as always…a bit of humor mixed in.

Even a spontaneous belting out of “Happy Birthday.”  Make a wish!

Of course, the Leftist Media crapped all over it…but like your raging headache after a weekend bender, that was to be expected.  So tiring.  So pathetic.


In fact, many Democrats, including Cryin’ Chuck, panned and ridiculed the address…BEFORE.  IT.  WAS.  EVEN.  DELIVERED.

Reason number 87 why nobody takes these idiot Libs seriously.

Political journalist Peggy Noonan of The Wall Street Journal, tweeted…”AOC had a rare bad night, looking not spirited, warm, and original as usual but sullen, teenaged, and at a loss.”

C’mon Peggy, don’t kick poor AOC when she’s down.  That’s borderline child abuse.  They ALL looked that way on the Commie Pinko side of the House Chamber.

These Congresswomen, all dressed in white, presumably paying homage to the suffragettes protesting for the right to vote a hundred years ago.  

Sorry…but these Socialist wannabes hijacking such a noble cause from a century ago, while at the same time jonesing for Venezuela-like policies that will strip us all of the very freedoms they purport to champion…well, it all makes me want to throw up.

They looked more like a bunch of mental patients donning white hospital gowns.

Some on Twitter called their white jackets “straight jackets.”

I’m only glad they stayed sitting on their hands when Trump talked about such horrible things as the best economic and jobs numbers…EVER…and eradicating sex trafficking and HIV AIDS.

Because, ya know, those gowns never tie that well in the back.  And I sure as shit don’t want THAT visual.

Well, MAYBE there’s one or two…wink, wink.

Still, Trump had them eating out of his hands like hungry goats at a petting farm when he threw them some love, proudly highlighting the fact that there are currently more women in the workforce than EVER BEFORE…and more women in Congress than EVER BEFORE.

Cheering, high fives, and chants of “USA, USA, USA” by the mob in white ensued.

Pretty smooth.  Forget “The Art of the Deal.”

It was more like ”How To Pick Up Girls,” by Donald J. Trump.

And in the latest knee to the groin of the Lib Media…flash polls released immediately after the speech by the Fake News Trump-Haters over at CNN and CBS showed 76% approval in both.  A flat-out narrative killer.

Heads will roll in the poll-rigging department over that one.

The highlight for me?  When President Trump declared, “We renew our resolve that America will never be a Socialist country.”  Laying down the gauntlet…like a stern Dad to his misbehaving kids.


Republicans roared.  America roared.

Democrats sulked.

Unmistakably, a big, presidential middle finger to the sniveling little piss-ant Socialist AOC ass-kissers.

And without doing a spec of research, I’m pretty damn sure that no other President has ever uttered those words in a State of the Union address.

Or sadly, felt the need to.

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