Monthly Archives: February 2019

Narrative Nirvana

I’ll bet you my entire 401k that 99% of the country never heard of this schmuck lefty actor Jussie Smollett before he let Trump Derangement Syndrome hijack his better senses.    

I know I didn’t.

You’ll have to take my word for it, but I was damn sure this abhorrent stunt he pulled…one that could very well have started race riots across the country…was more of a hoax than Bob Mueller’s boondoggle, Trump’s “Secret Russian Agent” status, Al Gore’s and AOC’s 24/7 proclamations of impending climate doom…maybe even Sasquatch, for shit’s sake.

Ok, maybe not Sasquatch. Continue reading

Media Suicide

Anyone that’s read my blog even once or twice is well aware of my complete and utter disdain for the lying left-wing propagandists in the Fake News Media.  It may go without saying, but I’m of course referring to the NATIONAL media…the major TV networks, NY Times, WaPost…and other such liberal activist rags that are only good for one thing…house training puppies.

Or maybe lining the bottom of Polly’s bird cage.  OK, fine…that’s two things.

I really do believe, however, that local newspapers and TV stations, generally speaking, do a pretty decent job of reporting on state and local issues.  And it’s not that those newsrooms aren’t chock full of liberal Trump-hating nuts.

They are.  

It’s just that, typically, there’s not much need for slanted, leftist advocacy reporting when you’re doing stories on things like controversial zoning issues and police blotter crap…trailer fires, drug deals gone bad, or some pervert in a tattered raincoat flashing an unsuspecting soccer mom fondling cantaloupes at the local Safeway. Continue reading

Out Of The Closet

The double-digit sub-zero temps all over the country a couple of weeks ago were a nice kick in the nads for the nervous nellies who reside in the Wacky World of Global Warming.

I love it when that happens.

In fact, it’s been reported that Al Gore tripled his depression meds when he realized the weather folks were saying POLAR VORTEX…not SOLAR VORTEX.  Jesus Al, get a friggin’ hearing aid.  It’s OK…they have low carbon footprints.  At least a million times less than your private jet.

Poor Al still can’t catch a break…I mean, he loses the Presidency by 537 lousy votes, and you can STILL cruise the streets of Manhattan and Miami without a snorkel.

How in Sam Hell DOES he cope?

What a schmuck.

Anyway… Continue reading

Socialist Smackdown…Trump Style

I love the State of the Union…the pomp and circumstance…the tradition…Pelosi sitting behind Trump with a big, dumb look on her face.

Well, OK…her normal expression.

Hey, it was more exciting than that crappy, boring Super Bowl two days earlier.

Sixteen lousy points…gimme a break.

So….The state of the union is…constipated?  Or so it seemed by looking at the anguished mugs of every Democrat, who looked like one would if they inhaled six pounds of provolone and were completely…um…backed-up….and there was a strike at the Ex-Lax factory. Continue reading