Daily Archives: January 31, 2019

Let’s Make A Deal

Well, it was nice while it lasted.  Like for Curly, when Moe needs a bathroom break and momentarily stops beating him on the head with a mallet.   


But with the latest developments in the government shutdown saga…Government temporarily reopens…three weeks to get an agreement…well, the break’s over.

Dammit…I must opine.

I don’t know what it is.  I just hate the subject.  Alright, let’s get it over with…a few observations…a prediction…and a shit ton of mocking and ridiculing Liberals and their Siamese twins in the media, who haven’t uttered one goddamn syllable in this whole ordeal that’s made one iota of sense, or is such a massive agenda-driven lie, it would give Pinocchio nose envy.

And you know what they say about guys with long…uh…well…let’s just say Pinocchio was quite popular with the ladies.

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