Daily Archives: January 23, 2019

Fake News Flurry

I will not write about the shutdown every week.  

I will not write about the shutdown every week.  

I will not write about the shutdown every week.

He chanted.

Why, you ask?  Well…

  1. It’s getting boring.
  2. I’d be repeating myself.
  3. There’s nothing new until Pelosi decides to stop holding her breath, turning blue in the face, stomping the ground with her $800 pumps, and start negotiating.

I’ll just ask one question before moving on…How can Pelosi keep saying she’s just SO distraught about the poor Government workers affected by the 25% shutdown…yet week after week passes, and she refuses to lift a crooked finger and do a goddamn thing about it?

As we all know, much of life is simply showing up. 

Show up, Nancy.  Just f*cking show up. Continue reading