Daily Archives: January 17, 2019

Impasse Morass

I like that title.  REALLY like it.  It has the word “ass” in it.  Twice.  At this point in history, I can only be talking about this completely asinine 25% government shutdown.  And let’s stop pretending we haven’t seen this many times before.  

Government shuts down.  Blame game ensues.  Some milquetoast “agreement” happens. Government reopens.  

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Fine, it’s now the longest shutdown in history.  That’s SO Trump, right?  The biggest.  The best. THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!  I’d expect NOTHING less.

This one’s different, though.  A sign of the times, I suppose.  There simply seems to be no resolution forthcoming to the fundamental dispute at hand.  

A Mexican Standoff, if you will.  (I know…WAY too easy…Hee Hee). Continue reading