Dynamic Duo of Dumbness


I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of that young lady…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC for short.  This newly elected 29-year-old self-described Socialist Congresswoman from New York…kinda cute at certain angles and just the right lighting, overflowing in spunk, well-intentioned…but intellectually, makes your garden-variety train wreck resemble a simple fender bender.

Did you…um…catch that 60 Minutes interview?  Any interviewer of her that I’ve seen…Anderson Cooper in this case…just sits there with their jaw dropped to the floor.  Utter amazement at what they are hearing…clearly trying not to burst out laughing.  Or simply awash in confusion.

So, as all this got me thinking about stupid women in general, visions of Nancy Pelosi danced through my head.

Last Christmas reference, I promise.

So…with apologies to Batman and Robin…I give you…The Dynamic Duo of Dumbness!

D-cubed for you math majors.

Let’s face it…we’re all so used to stupid, asinine statements by Pelosi, we’re sort of numb to it…like your better half screaming at you to take out the f*cking garbage for the nine-millionth time.  That’s what makes AOC such a novelty.  NEW BLOOD!  Like a fresh coat of paint.  The new car smell of stupidity, as it were.

But before delving into that sphere of emptiness perched upon AOC’s shoulders, I must share one of my favorite, recent, Pelosi quotes.  No…not “walls are immoral and medieval.”  Every Lib on the planet chants that in their sleep like the friggin’ Stepford Wives.  Yaaaawwwnnn.

By the way, I wonder if they ran that one by the Pope and his eight-thousand foot brick wall around the Vatican?  I mean, he’s like the Grand Poobah of Morality, is he not?

But I digress.

In an interview with the Arizona Republic in Feb 2018, Pelosi ACTUALLY said the following about border security, “Let’s talk about where a more serious structure might be necessary, where fencing will do or mowing the grass so that people can’t be smuggled through the grass…”

Any commentary at this point from yours truly will detract from the sheer deliciousness of that statement.  Just enjoy slyly chuckling to yourself for the next six hours.

As for the 60 Minutes interview with AOC…she delivered a rather lengthy dissertation on how the progressive tax system works, then suggests a completely mind-blowing idea about rocketing the top marginal rate into the stratosphere to pay for something called a “Green New Deal.”

I don’t know what in Sam Friggin’ Hell that is, but it sounds like it would bankrupt the planet in a millisecond for the liberal utopian dream of reducing global temperatures by 0.0000001 degrees Celsius 80 years from now.

Obviously, another deep thinking liberal…WE.  WANT.  TO.  RAISE.  YOUR.  TAXES.

About as original as wearing a black suit to a funeral.


“You know, you look at our tax rates back in the ’60s.  And when you have a progressive tax rate system, you know, your tax rate from, say, $0 to $75,000. Your tax rate may be 10% or 15%. Etc. But once you get to the tippy-tops, on your 10th million dollar, sometimes you see tax rates as high as 60 or 70%. That doesn’t mean all $10 million are taxed at an extremely high rate. But it means as you climb up this ladder, you should be contributing…more.”

I suppose that would be cute if your sixth grader came home and couldn’t wait to tell Mommy and Daddy what she learned in her Civics class.

I’m still scratching the tippy-top of my pounding head though, wondering how this empty-headed broad is ACTUALLY a member of Congress.

A few other knee-slappers that will require no additional commentary.  In Latin, they say “Res ipsa loquitur.”  THE THING SPEAKS FOR ITSELF…

On the unemployment rate…“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.”

Wait, what?

On how to pay for a multi-trillion dollar universal healthcare system…she questioned why we don’t consider “the cost of all the funeral expenses of those who died” because we don’t have universal healthcare.

Eh…you get the picture.  The horse is dead, so I guess I’ll mercifully stop beating it.

Sorry Mr. Ed.

Well, the media “shockingly” loves her, so there’s that.

But make no mistake…free spirit AOC will be a constant thorn in the side of Pelosi.  The original dynamic duo had a lot in common…ya know…fighting crime, wearing tights.  But these two leftists…not so much.

And as long as AOC increasingly becomes the face of the Democrat Party thanks to the fawning media obsession, well…The Donald should be just fine in 2020.

That Socialist shit doesn’t play well in flyover country, know what I mean?

If only AOC were 35 years old so she could run for President.

If only.

7 thoughts on “Dynamic Duo of Dumbness

  1. Taco Pepper

    We should be cutting taxes, not raising them!! I mean, look at the deficit since Trump was elected, clearly the government is fully solvent and meeting its financial obligations just fine. I will give AOC and Nancy one thing though, I’m willing to bet they both know how to spell the word FORREST. It is very amusing how you poke at their intelligence while ignoring the biggest, loudest, and most influential idiot in the country. I know.. it just hurts too much to admit it but you all know it is true.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      I know exactly what Trump is. And it doesn’t hurt at all. He’s boorish, inappropriate at times, combative, inconsistent, politically incorrect, highly “inartful” in his language. Shall I go on? But he’s not stupid.

      These two women are fucking morons down to their Socialist core. Sorry.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Thankfully the majority of Americans disagree with your read on President Doofus. As do many of his former advisers, many of his GOP compatriots in the Senate and House, and many of the best military minds of the past 20 years.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Oh, you mean that majority that won Hillary that big landslide victory in 2016? BAHAHAHAHA!

  3. Taco Pepper

    Let’s just stick with numbers. More than 2.5 million more people voted against Trump than for him in 2016. And in the only national measuring stick we have in 2018, which is the House elections, Anti-Trump won 53 to 45%. Depending on how long you want to take, we can list as many polls that are necessary that indicate that confused Grandpa at the mall Trump does not have favorable approval ratings nor do the majority of us want him wasting more money on his precious wall. In 2016, he couldn’t even get as many votes as the universally disliked HRC. He was just very lucky we have a system where a vote in Wyoming is significantly more impactful than a vote in California.. or say.. Florida?

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Jane, you ignorant slut.😀

      Oh God, the electoral college thing again? What next, abolish the Senate? The screaming fucking irony is that the results of the 2016 election is a complete validation of…not only the legitimacy…but the necessity of the electoral college. What transpired in 2016 is exactly WHY there is an electoral college. So that the biggest state by far, coupled with the biggest margin of victory by far, doesn’t massively skew the national vote numbers, whereby one state CLEARLY decides elections for the other 49 saps…I mean states. And California has what, 55 electoral votes? Wyoming…three? Based on number of House seats. What’s the beef? The big joke is that the Dems have a gigantic electoral advantage too, which every political scholar will tell you. Everyone’s playing by the same rules. You want a popular vote, go for it. Change the Constitution. But until then, get a decent fucking candidate that’s not a Socialist..or an old washed up corrupt hag, and like legendary Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis said….JUST WIN BABY!

  4. Taco Pepper

    In Wyoming, there are 143,000 people for every electoral vote. In Florida, there are 500,000. I agree the people of each state should have equal representation, unfortunately it is very unbalanced. And as for old, washed up and corrupt, if you look up any of those three words and you will find Grandpa Baseball Cap. There is a pretty good reason he and his movement got their asses handed to them in 2018. See you in 2020!


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