Daily Archives: January 10, 2019

Dynamic Duo of Dumbness


I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of that young lady…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC for short.  This newly elected 29-year-old self-described Socialist Congresswoman from New York…kinda cute at certain angles and just the right lighting, overflowing in spunk, well-intentioned…but intellectually, makes your garden-variety train wreck resemble a simple fender bender.

Did you…um…catch that 60 Minutes interview?  Any interviewer of her that I’ve seen…Anderson Cooper in this case…just sits there with their jaw dropped to the floor.  Utter amazement at what they are hearing…clearly trying not to burst out laughing.  Or simply awash in confusion.

So, as all this got me thinking about stupid women in general, visions of Nancy Pelosi danced through my head.

Last Christmas reference, I promise.

So…with apologies to Batman and Robin…I give you…The Dynamic Duo of Dumbness!

D-cubed for you math majors.

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