Shutdown Shit Show

OK everyone…WAKE UP!…chop, chop…Holidays are over.  Time to get your aching head back in the game.  And for the love of God…PLEASE dispose of that vile Eggnog.  That crap makes me want to heave even before the expiration date rears its ugly head.  I DO have a sporting chance of keeping it down if it’s laced with some fine Cognac…but soiling top shelf booze like that just seems REALLY wrong.

And given my official Holiday weight gain of 3 pounds, I fully expect Michael Moore to start doing fat jokes about ME.


I know you’re all as dog tired as me of enduring the endless semantic circle jerk as it relates to the current…let’s be candid…25% shutdown of the government.

25%?  Yeah.  Big Whoop.

Walls…Fences…Steel Slats…Barriers.  PLEASE F*CKING STOP!!!  I’m getting a headache layered on top of my Holiday binge drinking headache.

So, I’ve been giving this a lot of thought.  Here is my sober take on this whole government shutdown/border security thing…

OK fine, scratch the sober part.

First…How about a dose of truth about “THE WALL” for a change?  While some in Trump’s hard-core base certainly still views that term quite literally…THE WALL has become, for the most part, simply a metaphor for BORDER SECURITY.  Personally, I don’t give a rat’s ass how they do it…JUST.  SECURE.  THE.  BORDER.

I don’t care if it’s an electrified invisible doggie fence.  I don’t care if you advertise for a few million Michael Moore body doubles to lay across the border like bloated beached whales…I.  DON’T.  F’ING.  CARE.  Just do SOMETHING.  Americans are getting killed every day by illegals.

Something the CNN’s and NBC’s of the world treat like a dirty little family secret.

You’d sooner find a Lean Cuisine in Michael Moore’s freezer before you would ANY reporting on that narrative killer.

Of course, the Dumb-Ass-Ocrats will say…wait a minute…I have it here somewhere…hmmm…grocery list…2019 resolutions…things my wife hates about me…OH, HERE IT IS…Democrat Talking Points…

Cries of “immorality” notwithstanding…WALL’S DON’T WORK!  That’s like saying shoe laces don’t work.  It’s their very functionality.  Sure, if you stick a piece of shit 6 foot chain link fence on the border, Juan and Maria will hop right over it with his and hers pogo sticks..if someone stole their wire cutters, that is.

REAL WALLS are 90% – 95% effective all over the planet.  Proven.  Stops the bleeding.  So yeah, these Commie Pinko WALL DENIERS need to just STFU, stop lying, and stop embarrassing themselves.


Not so fast Libtards.  Trump wanted, what, $25B for border security?  He came down to $5B. And according to Budget Director and acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, an offer was made to the Dems at something less than the $5B…when the Dems were already at about $1.5B.

In a multi-trillion dollar budget, that difference IS A GODDAMN ROUNDING ERROR!

So let me get this straight…25% of the Government is STILL closed because the Democrats want to stick Trump in the eye by denying him a few measly shekels for border security?  Deny him a “win?”

These psycho’s would deny him food, water, air, AND Twitter if they could.

The Dimwit Dems think that if they, and their inbred kissing cousins in the Lib Media, keep repeating the words TRUMP SHUTDOWN, that people…other than those in their own Socialist Choir, that is…will believe it.

Trust me…With EVERY passing day that The Dems prioritize illegal aliens…including criminals and gang members…over the safety and welfare of American citizens…THEY LOSE.  Full stop.

For her part, Pelosi…who spent the Holidays in Hawaii bingeing on Mai Tai’s and Botox treatments…is simply waiting until she takes over the House this week, and in a big sloppy wet French kiss to her kooky far left base, will pass a budget with ZERO border security funding that will die a quick death in the Senate.

The hard truth that even Helen Keller could see?  Trump totally caved…demanding a mere TINY fraction of what he wanted.

Trump moved a mile.

And the Dems won’t move an inch.

Trust me…the whole country see’s it too.  You know what else they saw?

They saw Ronil Singh, a proud LEGAL immigrant from Fiji, and California police officer, gunned down and killed by a sub-human piece of filth CRIMINAL ILLEGAL SCUMBAG, slipping in and out of the country as easy as Johns through a brothel.

Gunned down Christmas morning.  Wife.  Five month old baby who will never know his Dad.

Same shit.  Different day.  Democrats couldn’t care less.


Ladies and Gentleman…I give you…THE PELOSI/SCHUMER SHUTDOWN!

Tom Homan, three decade veteran in law enforcement and border security, Trump’s previous acting ICE Director…AND worked for Obama in a similar capacity…said recently, “There’s no downside to securing the border.”

So obvious.  So simple.  So true.

Anyone disagree?  Hmmm?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Yet, despite the growing body count and hundreds of billions of dollars lost due to purposely porous borders and the magnet of hundreds of sanctuary cities, the Grim Reapers of the Left…middle finger enthusiastically extended to thousands of Angel Moms…unfortunately see border security as one thing, and one thing ONLY…

Voter Suppression.

1 thought on “Shutdown Shit Show

  1. Taco Pepper

    As much as the Trumpites yell about it, the majority of this country doesn’t support this wall. A strategically located minority voted Trump in, a lower minority voted to continue his agenda in 2018, and there is not a poll located anywhere that indicates the majority of this country wants this wall. Trump vocally bragged he was going to shut down the government and that’s exactly what he is done. That video of him bragging will serve as a great artifact should anyone forget who pushed this one over the edge. The GOP led House AND Senate approved a CR for funding and one man, bullied into his decision by a few talk show hosts, has shut down our government. By the way, it’s the same clown who claims another country is paying for this wall with a treaty that hasn’t even been ratified yet. And one last thought.. I guarantee you it’s a VERY big whoop to the hard working people who are having their livelihood jeopardized by a President fighting a battle he can’t and won’t win. If he wants the $5B so bad, maybe he should roll back the generous 2% tax cut he gave to Americans in the highest tax bracket. Or he can pay with it with the kickbacks he’s getting from his hotel 3 blocks from the White House. As for me and the majority of Americans, we say thanks but no thanks.


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