Monthly Archives: January 2019

Let’s Make A Deal

Well, it was nice while it lasted.  Like for Curly, when Moe needs a bathroom break and momentarily stops beating him on the head with a mallet.   


But with the latest developments in the government shutdown saga…Government temporarily reopens…three weeks to get an agreement…well, the break’s over.

Dammit…I must opine.

I don’t know what it is.  I just hate the subject.  Alright, let’s get it over with…a few observations…a prediction…and a shit ton of mocking and ridiculing Liberals and their Siamese twins in the media, who haven’t uttered one goddamn syllable in this whole ordeal that’s made one iota of sense, or is such a massive agenda-driven lie, it would give Pinocchio nose envy.

And you know what they say about guys with long…uh…well…let’s just say Pinocchio was quite popular with the ladies.

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Fake News Flurry

I will not write about the shutdown every week.  

I will not write about the shutdown every week.  

I will not write about the shutdown every week.

He chanted.

Why, you ask?  Well…

  1. It’s getting boring.
  2. I’d be repeating myself.
  3. There’s nothing new until Pelosi decides to stop holding her breath, turning blue in the face, stomping the ground with her $800 pumps, and start negotiating.

I’ll just ask one question before moving on…How can Pelosi keep saying she’s just SO distraught about the poor Government workers affected by the 25% shutdown…yet week after week passes, and she refuses to lift a crooked finger and do a goddamn thing about it?

As we all know, much of life is simply showing up. 

Show up, Nancy.  Just f*cking show up. Continue reading

Impasse Morass

I like that title.  REALLY like it.  It has the word “ass” in it.  Twice.  At this point in history, I can only be talking about this completely asinine 25% government shutdown.  And let’s stop pretending we haven’t seen this many times before.  

Government shuts down.  Blame game ensues.  Some milquetoast “agreement” happens. Government reopens.  

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Fine, it’s now the longest shutdown in history.  That’s SO Trump, right?  The biggest.  The best. THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!  I’d expect NOTHING less.

This one’s different, though.  A sign of the times, I suppose.  There simply seems to be no resolution forthcoming to the fundamental dispute at hand.  

A Mexican Standoff, if you will.  (I know…WAY too easy…Hee Hee). Continue reading

Dynamic Duo of Dumbness


I don’t know about you, but I can’t get enough of that young lady…Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. AOC for short.  This newly elected 29-year-old self-described Socialist Congresswoman from New York…kinda cute at certain angles and just the right lighting, overflowing in spunk, well-intentioned…but intellectually, makes your garden-variety train wreck resemble a simple fender bender.

Did you…um…catch that 60 Minutes interview?  Any interviewer of her that I’ve seen…Anderson Cooper in this case…just sits there with their jaw dropped to the floor.  Utter amazement at what they are hearing…clearly trying not to burst out laughing.  Or simply awash in confusion.

So, as all this got me thinking about stupid women in general, visions of Nancy Pelosi danced through my head.

Last Christmas reference, I promise.

So…with apologies to Batman and Robin…I give you…The Dynamic Duo of Dumbness!

D-cubed for you math majors.

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Shutdown Shit Show

OK everyone…WAKE UP!…chop, chop…Holidays are over.  Time to get your aching head back in the game.  And for the love of God…PLEASE dispose of that vile Eggnog.  That crap makes me want to heave even before the expiration date rears its ugly head.  I DO have a sporting chance of keeping it down if it’s laced with some fine Cognac…but soiling top shelf booze like that just seems REALLY wrong.

And given my official Holiday weight gain of 3 pounds, I fully expect Michael Moore to start doing fat jokes about ME.


I know you’re all as dog tired as me of enduring the endless semantic circle jerk as it relates to the current…let’s be candid…25% shutdown of the government.

25%?  Yeah.  Big Whoop.

Walls…Fences…Steel Slats…Barriers.  PLEASE F*CKING STOP!!!  I’m getting a headache layered on top of my Holiday binge drinking headache. Continue reading