Daily Archives: December 26, 2018

Happy Holidays!

Can you believe it?  This is the third Christmas season for The Drunken Republican.  But if I’ve learned ONE thing…it’s that folks are way too busy around the Holidays to sit around with their loved ones in front of the Christmas tree, and even THINK about some silly political blog that is really nothing more than a collection of snarky one-liners spewed by a frustrated comedy writer.

During a normal week, I’m perfectly OK competing for the time of potential readers against things like watching paint dry, and picking lint out of one’s belly button.  But wasting ANY hilarious Michael Moore fat jokes during the Holiday season that very few will have the pleasure of seeing…well…I just don’t see the point.

And in that vain, I have decided to re-publish a poem I wrote on the very first Drunken Republican Christmas, chronicling Donald Trump’s journey to the White House.  If Jimmy Fallon and The Roots can take a holiday hiatus, dammit, so can I.

I hope this little trip down memory lane warms the cockles of your heart as it did for me… Continue reading