Off The Wall

Before Donald Trump came along to snatch an election from some woman we all wish would just make like a tree and LEAVE…and I heard the word “Trigger”…the first thing that entered my consciousness was a horse owned by some singer/actor dude named Roy Rogers.  OK, a bit before my time…and most likely yours…but the reference works, so hang with me.

NOW…when I hear THAT word…I immediately think of the aforementioned Donald J. Trump…and literally everything he says, does, or tweets that TRIGGERS the entire 50% of the country that bemoans his very existence on this planet.  In its purest form, of course, “trigger” simply indicates a total spaz out.  And if a person…uh…hypothetically speaking…was so pathetic as to have enough time on their hands to ACTUALLY Google the word “spaz,” they would find the verb form definition to be…”lose physical or emotional control.”

Hmmm…coincidentally, that’s the very same definition as “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”  Wait…check that…I’m one word off here.  The ACTUAL TDS definition is “lose physical, emotional, or bladder control.”

Gonna be a great Christmas over at the Depends factory…🎼 LET IT FLOW, LET IT FLOW, LET IT FLOW 🎼

So, we all know that the list of triggers for Trump hating Libs is at least as long as Hillary’s list of election loss excuses.  But the BIGGEST trigger, of course, is…let’s all channel our inner Pink Floyd and shout in unison…THE WALL!  

In fact, it is SO big, all the other triggers have trigger envy.

Ok, enough silly one-liners.  Well, NEVER enough of those, really, but time to move on to some FACTS…which are to Libs as sunlight is to Dracula, and Kryptonite is to the guy who can be seen SOMEWHERE in every Seinfeld episode…Superman.

Some wall stats from The Department of Homeland Security…

  • San Diego, built in 1992, illegal traffic dropped 92%.
  • El Paso, built in 1993, illegal traffic dropped 95%.
  • Tuscon, built in 2000, illegal traffic dropped 90%.
  • Yuma, built in 2005, illegal traffic dropped 95%.

Tell us MORE, Drunken Republican…PLEEEEEEEZZZZ!


Think Israel. 

This, from a Dec. 17, 2018 Jerusalem Post article…“After breaking ground in 2010, Israel completed the 242-km. (150-mile) fence in December 2013 at a cost of around $450 million. Whereas about 9,500 Africans crossed into Israel illegally in the first six months of 2012, less than three dozen did so in the first six months of 2013, at which time the major components of the barrier had been completed.”

“The other “wall” worth mentioning is the security barrier built by Israel primarily in the West Bank, which effectively ended the phenomenon of suicide bombings.”

Well, Mazel tov to that!

BUT ENOUGH STATS!  WHO NEEDS’EM!  Walls…fences…barriers…WHATEVER.  THE.  F*CK.  YOU.  WANT.  TO.  CALL.  THEM…WORK!  While the stats are interesting, I suppose, we don’t need them to tell us something so goddamn blatantly obvious and factual.

Just ask the Liberal Elites if the walls around their mansions and fancy schmancy gated communities work in keeping out the Riff-Raff.

Three truths…The sky is blue.  Michael Moore makes Moby Dick look svelt.  And WALLS WORK.  Period.

So liberals need to just STFU and stop lying and pretending that this is about anything more than future votes for your Party.  And maybe Juan and Maria trimming your bushes and cleaning your toilets for some bargain basement wage.

A little more than 10 years ago, ALL these Lib heavyweights…Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer…ALL made impassioned pleas extolling the absolute, drop dead necessity for border security and a wall.

Makes for a fun You Tube session.

But today?  The wall is immoral, inefficient, wasteful….at least according to the Democrat talking points.

Uh…sorry…but shitting on our nation’s sovereignty, and pretending illegal immigrant crime doesn’t matter when thousands of YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS have been killed…not to mention human and drug trafficking…is the HEIGHT of immorality.

So what changed?

Quite obviously…Trump came down that escalator, and won an election largely based on promising massive border security and a wall…the Dems DESPISE Trump, and will not give him a win on his signature issue…or any other issue for that matter. 

American citizens…and governing…be damned.  Always nice to get the big middle finger from your elected officials.  

Right back at ya, Dems.  But with MUCH greater force and no lube.

Here’s the REAL KICKER…another fact that eviscerates the Lib immigration narrative…the cost of illegal immigration to our country at all levels of government is estimated at $100 – $200 billion PER YEAR.

I repeat…PER.  YEAR.

And Trump can’t even get a lousy one-time $5 billion now?  A fraction of the $25 billion he REALLY wanted, by the way.

Well…we KNOW liberal policies make no sense.  

Apparently, neither does their math.

1 thought on “Off The Wall

  1. Taco Pepper

    So what are we going to stop paying for in order to build this wall, or are we comfortable just running up the deficit further? My other question, if you only put up segments of a wall, aren’t people going to just go elsewhere to find a gap? Seems like that is what I would do if I was trying to penetrate a border. I’m looking forward to the answers from the math (and geometry) experts on this one.


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