Let ‘Em Eat Cake!

Sniff, Sniff.  Do you smell that?  Something’s burning.  Oh wait…it’s just Paris.  And if anyone’s surprised one iota by that, you might be afflicted by the political equivalent of Attention Deficit Disorder.  This recent rioting in the City of Lights…ostensibly started over another massive increase in gas taxes, elevating gas prices to about 7 bucks a gallon. 

But it was really about much, much more.

SEVEN BUCKS!!!  Jesus…I’d expect a post fill-up happy ending for THAT price.

Thank God I have Amazon Prime so I can get free shipping on that rickshaw I just ordered…said every person in France.

I have to say…these Global Elitists over in Europe are more out of touch than a dude with no fingers.  French President Macron jacks up already stratospheric gas taxes, finally pushing the proletariat to the proverbial breaking point.  

And for what?  To fight the climate change boogeyman?  Maybe even a few bucks thrown in to fill the social welfare coffers to continue showering unwanted migrants with a monsoon of benefits?

Non Merci.  (That’s “no thanks” for you non-French speaking neanderthals).

Just kidding…I Googled it.

The Frenchies appear to be doing their best Roberto Duran impression, where Duran, in a 1980 rematch bout with Sugar Ray Leonard, was getting more pulp beat out of him than a bushel of oranges in a Tropicana factory.

An economic pummeling, in this case.


Back to my original point…THIS. IS. NOTHING. NEW.  I mean, you have Brexit passing a couple of years ago…which was simply the U.K. people trying to extract themselves from the death grip of the Globalist snobs over at the EU.  Massive unrest in Germany every other day, protesting the deleterious effects of decades of unfettered immigration.

Angela Merkel can tell you ALL about that.

And other Populist uprisings all over Europe…if you haven’t noticed.

You know, people can only take so much misery.

Just ask my wife.

And through all the protests, rioting, and mayhem, French President Emmanuel Macron has been more absent than Michael Moore’s personal trainer.  Clearly, a big FU to the French people.

Let ‘Em Eat Cake!

Hey, in political blogging, if you can work in a legitimate Marie Antionette reference, you need to channel your inner Nike and JUST DO IT, that’s what I’M sayin’.

But I digress.

Anyway, have we learned NOTHING from the fall of the Roman Empire?  A gargantuan sized government infrastructure, massive over-spending.  Sustainable as a dripping wet Bounty.

Sure, we have our own house to clean up…near $22 trillion of debt that both parties refuse to address, but we aren’t CLOSE to the European economic shit show.

And the only reason Europe even barely stays afloat is that we SUBSIDIZE them. That’s right, muchachos.  Ya know, operating military bases all over the planet ain’t cheap.  I mean, who the hell’s gonna protect them when old Vlad Putin decides to fire up his fleet of tanks, load ’em up with cases of Stoli, and embark on a little road trip though the heart of Europe?

Liechtenstein?  BAHAHAHAHA!

Pardon my…um…bluntness…but if we ever decide to take our ball and go home…trust me…climate change, riots, and seven buck gas will be the LEAST of their f*cking problems.

It’s Cold Outside, Baby!

You know, I used to get really pissed at these Leftist PC leg-wetters as they declare yet another completely innocent and innocuous thing racist, offensive, etc.  But now?  Well…truth be told…having the opportunity to mock and ridicule these modern day book burning Fascists has become quite the guilty pleasure for yours truly.

You’re surely familiar with that old Dean Martin Holiday classic, Baby It’s Cold Outside.  Well, unbeknownst to the rest of us who have managed to maintain some semblance of sanity, this fun and flirty song is REALLY about UNWANTED ADVANCES TOWARDS WOMEN AND COMPLETELY OFFENSIVE IN THE AGE OF #METOO!!!

Excuse me…but are these losers the biggest a-holes in the Milky Way, or am I way off base on that?

I for one appreciated that song for Dean Martin’s enviable mastery of the power of persuasion, if nothing else.

Besides, my old method of wooing women back in the day….begging, crying, and threatening to throw myself off a building…would make for a really lousy Christmas song.

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