The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

Another great man has passed.  I was always a big fan of George Herbert Walker Bush…affectionately referred to as “Bush 41.”  I mean, how could you NOT be?  I’m actually writing this blog while watching his funeral service…typing on my iPad through the blur of tears at times. 

Hey, even the crusty old Drunken Republican can be a big, fat softie.

But throughout the moving…and often humorous…eulogies, the media coverage of his passing several days earlier churned in my brain, and I seemed overcome…not by emotion…but by a rush of lamentable observations.

I’m sorry…but watching the liberal media and many Democrats the past few days gush and fawn all over Bush 41, like they did with John McCain when he passed, rings hollower than a beer keg two hours into a Friday night frat party.  The media spent years effortlessly and gleefully trashing these guys like they trash any other human with a big “R” next to their name.

But the media, Dems, and these two dearly departed Republicans ALL had one thing in common.  They hated Trump.  H.A.T.E.D.  And McCain earned bonus love when he banned Trump…the sitting President…from even attending his funeral.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  Good old saying.  And spot on here.

I still recall how disgusted I was when what seemed like an eternity of mourning for John McCain was hijacked as an impromptu Trump bashing marathon.

But hey, it was ALL with McCain’s total blessing, and the Trump-Hating Media…like Slick Willy Clinton, strutting around like a peacock in front of an awestruck intern…took FULL advantage.

It should have been zero surprise to anyone that the BUSH family…obviously no fans of Trump…especially…um…”Low Energy” Jeb…rose above that unflattering political pettiness…a wall that McCain was clearly unable to scale…and gladly invited President Trump to attend the funeral service.

Says quite different things about both Bush 41 and McCain.  At least to me it does.

Clearly, the Bush family wasn’t looking for a repeat of the disgusting and embarrassing spectacle that was the McCain funeral/Trump bashing super-sized combo meal.  Still, there even had to be an “agreement” with the White House that eulogizers would not repeat the McCain debacle.

The fact that such an agreement even existed seems like a pathetic joke, but tells you all you need to know about the state of politics these days.

So, as I was thinking about all this stuff, I came across the latest article from the NY Post’s own Michael Goodwin, one of my fave political writers, who wrote in-depth on this very subject.

Great minds think alike.

Uh…yeah…he would take that as an insult.  And rightly so.

Anyway, a few excerpts from that article…

“The heydays of press hatred for Bush and McCain came during their presidential campaigns. Long before they were saluted for their late-in-life stances against Trump, Bush 41 and McCain were declared unfit to be president.”

In Bush’s 1992 run against Bill Clinton, the NY Times, “ripped Bush’s economic management as “exasperating” and his positions on individual rights as “infuriating.”  It accused him of stoking racial resentment, of going to “radical ­extremes.”

“Now in his coffin, Bush is a model of American greatness.”

Similarly…when McCain ran against Obama in 2008, the failing NY Times said McCain had “retreated farther and farther to the fringe of American politics, running a campaign on partisan division, class warfare and even hints of racism. His policies and worldview are mired in the past.”

“As he lay dead, the paper hailed the “adventurous bipartisanship” he demonstrated “in a long and distinguished career.”

As Goodwin further points out, while there is certainly nothing wrong with saying nice things about the recently departed, “The problem emerges when the partisan lens becomes the decisive factor in switching from damnation to praise. Then it is hypocrisy masquerading as principle and grace.”

All of this goes to prove one thing…everything…I mean, EVERYTHING…is about Trump, 24/7.  At least it is for the Trump hating addicts…always in search of their next “fix.”  I know more than one person with whom you can’t chat about the weather without an incoherent pivot to some vile, boring anti-Trump diatribe.

I’ve never seen such heights of obsession or unhinged hatred.

Must suck to go through life with someone whom you’ve never met occupying such a large amount of real estate in your cranium.

Hopefully, the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd was listening to one of Bush 41’s eulogizers, close friend and former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson, who said, “Hatred corrodes the container it’s carried in.”

It would behoove them all to embrace that little bit of wisdom…for their own mental health, if nothing else.

4 thoughts on “The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

  1. Taco Pepper

    It is flat-out comical that we talk about how there is universal hatred for our current President and the finger is pointed at everyone else with zero focus on or accountability for the behavior from said individual. There is a list of reasons a mile long why most of the educated world dislikes, mocks, and ridicules the incompetence and boorish behavior in the White House. Maybe someday that angle will actually be discussed here, although that seems highly unlikely. We saw four ex-Presidents who competed bitterly against each other and strongly disagreed with each other on every issue under the sun. Yet, at the end of the day they all recognized they, just as John McCain said, served a purpose greater than themselves and treated their rivals with some level of basic respect. Contrast that with the individual who calls them names on public forums, makes chanting for their arrest a core theme of his political rallies, and has a long documented record of dishonesty in business and personal life, and a complete lack of decorum or civility that this high office deserves. There is a good reason the MAJORITY of US voters voted against the Trump mandate in 2016 and 2018, and hopefully as his act gets more stale and offensive with each passing day, an even larger majority shows up in 2020 to put him where he belongs.. on the sidelines and rendered irrelevant and useless, even more than he is today.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Take a look at last night’s Twitter rage rant and tell it to the guy who wrote it. Again, zero culpability and blind faith defense for the worst offender of every aspect you refer to above in the text. Glass Houses.. or in his case, maybe I should say Glass Mansions and 5th Avenue Towers.


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