Deadly Narrative

What’s that old saying again?  A picture’s worth a thousand words?

Well…The Trump haters THOUGHT they had that little crown jewel image a few months ago…kids who were dragged across the border illegally by irresponsible parents at best…smuggled by coyotes at worst…sitting in some sort of fenced in cage-like apparatus.

Twitter erupted like Mount Vesuvius.


Except…ummm…yeah…that pic was from 2014…during the God awful Obama years.


To quote Gilda Radner’s alter ego, Emily Litella…NEVER MIND.

So…the first wave of a few thousand illegals, proudly…and inexplicably…flying the flags of their home country cesspools they APPARENTLY are so desperately trying to flee, bum-rushed the border near San Diego, many hurling projectiles at border agents, who were…quite understandably…forced to break out a smidge of tear gas to disperse the mob.

I gotta say…these friggin’ people suck at first impressions.

And quite odd behavior for “legitimate” asylum seekers, dontcha think??  The fact is most…MOST…are simply looking for work and/or attempting to reunite with family members already in the country illegally…not LEGIT asylum seekers.  DHS estimates approx. 90% of the mob wouldn’t qualify for asylum.

But finding any so-called “journalists” to report ANY of that accurately is like finding weight loss supplements in Michael Moore’s medicine cabinet.

Anyway…A little breeze carries some of the tear gas into the air…and there it is, the winning Powerball ticket of illegal immigration narrative…before our very eyes…a mother, two rugrats in tow, fleeing the violence instigated by the “invaders” themselves, and some tear gas wafting in the air behind them.


And there it is.  The money shot…so to speak.  Narrative 1, Trump 0.

Let’s unpack some of this.

The spritz of tear gas?  Um…yeah…the Obama Administration did the EXACT SAME THING…and rightly so…in 2013 in the same location, as reported by the San Diego Union Tribune.  And dozens of other times, in fact.

Still searching for the Twitter outrage on ANY of that.  I’ll sooner find the next Hope Diamond.

Obama was protecting the border.  Trump is a heartless bastard.

More phony narrative?  Easy…the caravan is made up of mostly women and children.  Really? Tons of reports characterize the caravan as consisting of at least three-quarters single men.

Heck…Forget the damn reports…take off your rose-colored glasses, and look at the footage yourself.

A Cliffs Notes recap…

Media narrative….No criminals, just peaceful women and children, an organically formed group, seeking asylum…no rushing of hurling of rocks…no nothing.

As Paul McCartney sang…”Let ‘Em In.”

Reality…Mostly young men seeking jobs, organized by well-funded liberal organizations, most would NOT qualify for asylum, charged the border and hurled rocks and bottles at Border Patrol.  About 600 known criminals identified by the Dept of Homeland Security…so far.

Welcome to the wonderful world of fake media narrative.

That’s more of a dichotomy than low IQ Maxine Waters being the keynote speaker at a Mensa convention.

Trust me…I’m no genius either.  At least that’s what my family tells me.  Dismantling false liberal media narratives is easier than your local stud high school quarterback scoring on prom night.

Personally, I’m pretty goddamn sick and tired of America hating, open border obsessed liberals and the lying media telling me what a heartless scumbag anti-immigrant bigoted racist I am for simply giving a crap about such radical f*cking principles as border security, public safety, the rule of law, and maintaining our sovereignty.

Sorry, I got a D- in my Sugar-Coating 101 class.

But here are the two things that REALLY, REALLY piss me off…

First…there are thousands and thousands of American citizens every year that are victims of illegal immigrant crime.  And liberals…including Obama himself on the midterm campaign trail..ridiculed, chastised, and demonized ANYONE who wasn’t totally down with this invasion…effectively shitting on these victims and their families…ALL in the name of their ultimate quest for future votes.

Their dead loved ones are simply figments of their racist imaginations, I reckon.

And then, these despicable SOB’s foam at the mouth like zombies, spewing some gibberish claiming that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens.  And they lie about that too…mashing up the stats of both illegal AND legal immigrants.

Epic fail as far as redirects go.  It’s clearly the most irrelevant, asinine, ridiculous, and offensive red herring in history.  One murder committed by an illegal…one rape…one robbery…is one TOO many.  And one that should have NEVER happened in the first place.

And speaking of Libs shitting on people…what about the million-plus LEGAL immigrants coming to the U.S every year?  Following the rules..many, spending every goddamn cent they have on immigration lawyers…waiting 10 years or more to become citizens.

You think us native-born Americans hate line-cutters?

Just ask an immigrant who did it the RIGHT way.  And then duck.

This past Sunday, 60 Minutes did a horribly slanted and inaccurate story to perpetuate the NARRATIVE…the plight of some poor family that crossed the border illegally, and were separated from their child for a couple of months before reuniting.

Dept of Homeland Security response, in part…“60 Minutes’ irresponsibly aired flawed reporting, which displayed disregard for the truth and a fundamental misunderstanding of our nation’s immigration system and the Administration’s zero-tolerance policy for prosecuting illegal border crossers. DHS chose not to participate in the taping of this hit piece as it was clear from the start this was an agenda-driven work of revisionist fiction.”

Still…A horrible situation caused by parents making horrible decisions, and our horrible laws that the horrible politicians refuse to fix.

Can we AT LEAST agree on THAT, for shit’s sake?

And on Thanksgiving morning, just a few days before that story aired, a beautiful, young 6th grade school teacher in Texas was mowed down by an illegal with a rap sheet in a hit-and-run.  Her body so mangled, the authorities wouldn’t let her Dad see her.

Maybe…JUST maybe…60 Minutes will do a story on her, and the thousands of others like her, who are victims of illegal alien crime.  And their forgotten families, whose lives are irreversibly altered…many PERMANENTLY separated from loved ones.

Permanently.  Not just for a few lousy weeks.

Don’t hold your breath, though.  Sadly, it doesn’t fit the deadly narrative.


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