Election Epilogue

Finally…and quite mercifully…the election in The Sunshine State has ended with the EXACT SAME friggin’ result that we had on election night.  Shocker.  That, despite the best efforts of a gaggle of shady Leftist Democrat election lawyers who crawled out from underneath their respective rocks residing somewhere deep in the bowels of Clinton World.  A string of lawsuits longer than the faces at Hillary’s win party, attempting to snatch the rightful victories from Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis, by changing Florida election laws on the fly…and AFTER the buzzer.

Nice try.

And of course…OF COURSE, they knew that no recount would make up the difference of tens of thousands of votes.  Never has before.  Like Michael Moore HOPES for extended holiday hours at the Ponderosa buffet, they were jonesing for what was really their ONLY hope…proof of a major malfunction of vote counting machines.

Hey, sleazy Lib lawyers have hopes and dreams too.

Truth be told, I’m sick to death of opining about this election shit show.  But I’ll reluctantly hang on to make one last point that people really need to understand.

None of this Florida election circus…with apologies to Barnum and Bailey…had anything to do with Bill Nelson or Andrew Gillum, per se.  Oh sure, the Dems would have loved to retain Nelson’s Senate seat, or elect a raving f*cking Socialist as Florida’s Governor.  

A mere consolation prize, those things.  But flipping the Florida Governorship to the Dems would bring with it something even more valuable than finding a Chick-fil-A open on Sunday. And it wouldn’t matter a lick if the Democrat were Andrew Gillum, Marge Simpson, or O.J Simpson.

Three truths…

  1. The party occupying the Governor’s mansion has major influence on state election laws.  
  2. When it comes to Florida…it is the quintessential swing state, and the road to the White House in 2020 goes straight through Florida.
  3. To Democrats, election laws…whose singular purpose are to prevent fraud…are like Kryptonite is to Superman.  It sucks the life out of them like this whole subject is doing to me right now.

I’ll spell it out for you…if Comrade Gillum was on his way to the Governor’s mansion, you can bet your sweet bippy that Florida’s election laws would be shredded more violently than Hillary’s emails.

Missed your voting deadline?  BAHAHAHAHA!  DEADLINE, SCHMEDLINE!  WHO CARES!

No signature match?  NO PROBLEM!

Left the Governor’s race blank?  WE’LL FIX THAT UP IN A JIFFY!

Croaked eight years ago?  PADDLES!  CLEAR!…WE STILL HAVE A PULSE!

In fact, the post-midterm polling showed that Dems got 93% of the black vote, 75% of Hispanics, and 100% of Stiffs.

Here’s another good one…I’m enough of an old raisin head to remember when EVERYONE had to vote…ya know…ON ELECTION DAY.  You took off time from work, went after work, before class…whatever…you just friggin’ did it.

They used to call it personal responsibility in the olden days…a concept more extinct than tolerant liberals on college campuses.

Now, of course, our sissy snowflake leg-wetting society has been afforded the convenience of weeks of early voting days, AND absentee voting by mail.  What the hell is next, Election White Glove Service, where they tow a f*cking voting machine to your place and roll it up to your bed because you can’t drag your fat ass out to an early voting site…or to the goddamn mailbox?  And in lieu of an “I VOTED” sticker, a happy ending massage?

Beyond pathetic.

Two thoughts on that…

First, these nitwit Libs that scream VOTER SUPPRESSION at the top of their little lying lungs after EVERY election that they lose, need to just STFU.  Things like keeping voter rolls as clean and up to date as possible…requiring that people vote on time, fill out ballots correctly, and even…GASP!…having to wait in a TWO HOUR LINE AT A POLLING SITE!…are neither suppressing nor disenfranchising.  Period.

It’s an absurd, made-up, and patently false notion.  A complete fantasy.  A big fat Michael Moore of a lie.  And EVERYONE knows it.


Secondly…and quite bluntly…if someone today can’t figure out how to cast a vote successfully in an election…given that EVERY municipality in the country bends themselves into goddamn pretzels like sideshow contortionists to make it accommodating to even the most brain-dead moron…then they are simply too friggin’ stupid to vote in the first place.

Incompetency and idiocy DOES NOT equal suppression and disenfranchisement.

And THAT little dose of reality administered by Dr. Drunken Republican, comes at no charge.

My Thanksgiving present to you.



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