Marathon Midterm Madness

You know, I live in Florida.  And I have to say, Florida gets a REALLY bad rap when it comes to elections.  No, seriously.  The vast, vast majority of counties, like 65 of 67 in this latest midterm election, have no problem counting friggin’ votes.  Even a bunch of counties up in the big bend and panhandle areas that just got their asses kicked by a monster hurricane a few weeks ago bounced back like champs and were actually able to…ya know…FOLLOW ALL THE ELECTION LAWS.

But not the numb nuts down in Broward county, and its evil step-sister, Palm Beach county…who once again shit the bed…or voting booth, in this case.  These two usual suspects  “FOUND” like 93,000 votes AFTER election night?  What is this, f*cking Uganda?  The incompetence of these Bozos…with apologies to The Clown…is only exceeded by their corruption. 

I mean…what the hell else would you call it?  Let’s just say that Brenda Snipes, The Broward County Supervisor of Elections since 2003, has quite the body of work…and most of it more crooked than a homeless dude’s teeth.

And as you might predict, the Democrats are just absolutely flabbergasted as to what all the hubbub is about.  Can’t even fathom it.  They just want to count ALL the votes.  What’s wrong with YOU?  Hmmm?  Don’t YOU want to count ALL the votes?

Please Libs.  Save your fake righteous indignation…dripping more than a leaky bottle of Aunt Jemima at some greasy spoon off the interstate.

By the way, they’re making my point with their TALKING point.  And therein lies the problem.  They want to count EVERY vote…not JUST valid votes.  This is textbook Lib.  They demagogue issues by conflation.  Conflate valid and invalid votes.  Conflate LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration.

You don’t want to count EVERY vote?  You’re racist and disenfranchising minorities…legality be damned.  They do it on EVERY goddamn issue…you don’t want to let poor immigrants in the country ILLEGALLY, simply looking for a better life…YOU’RE ANTI-IMMIGRANT AND ANTI-HISPANIC.  All the while, playing make-believe that drug and human traffickers, MS-13, and other criminals are simply figments of our bigoted imaginations.

Sadly, their thousands of victims are ALL too real.

But I digress.

Ok, back to Sneaky Snipes.  Wow, I’ve learned well from our Nicknamer-In-Chief, have I not?

Suffice it to say, her past as an elections official is more checkered than the tablecloths at Luigi’s Pizzeria.  This, from the Sun-Sentinel down in South Florida a few days ago…

  •  A court ruled she had broken election law when she destroyed ballots from the 2016 election 12 months after it, instead of the 22 months required by federal law.
  •  A medical marijuana amendment was left off some ballots in 2016.
  •  Election results in the 2016 primary were posted on the election office’s website before polls closed, another violation of election law.
  • In 2012, almost 1,000 uncounted ballots were discovered a week after the election
  • In 2004, some 58,000 mail-in ballots were not delivered to voters, leaving election officials to scramble to send new ones.

And that’s just the tip of an iceberg that dwarfs the one that floored the Titanic.

OK, how about some CURRENT accusations:

  • The Miami Herald reported that Snipes included 22 ballots in the total that were cast by voters whose signature did not match the signature on file. Ballots with mismatched signatures are considered “illegal” under state law, which is designed to stop voter fraud.  But Snipes included them anyway in a batch of 205 provisional ballots. 
  • Republicans charged that Snipes also failed to follow a state law requiring results to be updated every 45 minutes. Instead, tens of thousands of votes would be dumped into the state system — sometimes late at night — causing the margins in the major races to shrink as the ballots from the Democrat-heavy county poured in.
  • And my personal favorite…Several reports…including video… of ballots being moved around WITHOUT PROPER CHAIN OF CUSTODY.  In trunks of cars. In Ryder trucks.  And…Boxes of ballots “found” in a friggin’ closet in some school, and other places.

But hey, nothing to see here…MOVE ALONG, the Libs will tell you.

The conga line of historical examples of election shenanigans by Democrats is longer than Michael Moore’s grocery list.  Yet the Dems always roll their eyes far into the back of their psychotic heads…and fight mightily to unwad their panties…as they feign outrage at the mere assertion.

And when asked by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday why he didn’t get rid of Snipes years ago, Gov. Scott just sort of shrugged.  C’mon, he couldn’t very well articulate the REAL answer out loud, could he?

Allow me to set the scene for you…

Old white male Governor fires black woman Election Supervisor.  The cries of racism and sexism would be so deafening, they would bust your eardrums like if you were velcroed to an amp at an AC/DC concert.

The good news for both Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis, however, is that typically election results only have a chance of flipping on a recount if the margin is in the hundreds…NOT many thousands as we have here.

But here’s a reality check from Florida Senator Marco Rubio…and trust me…Little Marco AIN’T no bomb-thrower…“Incompetent law breaking election officials lead to chance for lawyers to steal an election.  Dem lawyers aren’t here to make sure every vote is counted. They’re here to get as many votes for their client as possible counted & get as many votes for opponent as possible thrown out.”

And they strive to accomplish that by using the courts to change the rules AFTER they play the game.

Where I come from, it’s called theft.

Come to think of it, I think the Mets may have ACTUALLY beat the Royals in the 2015 World Series if they only counted the first seven innings.





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