Midterm Musings

It was the big blue “wave” that dribbled like a leg-wetting Lib sporting over saturated Depends. The predicted Category 5 that meekly rolled in as an angry sun shower.  The BIG guns swarmed…Obama…Hillary…Oprah…Beyoncé…Taylor.  Zillions of dollars handed over to the most progressive candidates by Lib billionaires like monopoly money.  All for naught.   How pathetic.  And nobody to blame but themselves.

Oh sure, the Dems took back the House…no small thing, mind you.  Credit where credit is due.  But…given the headwinds of history against the GOP in terms of new presidents losing an average of ~30 House seats in their first midterm…they got a few more than that, and only needed 23.

But nowhere NEAR the red wave of 63 House seats gained by the GOP in 2010 after Barry shoved that Obamacare junk in our trunk.

So, like with everything I do on a daily basis, the Dems accomplished the bare minimum.  Let’s be candid…The GOP holding the House was more of a pipe dream than me sharing some salmon sushi with Ivanka Saturday night on our date at Nobu.

But pretty much EVERYTHING else went the Republican’s way…3 GOP seats were added in the Senate…All three Dem candidates basically running as Socialists…O’Rourke for Senate in Texas, Gillum and Abrams for Governor in Florida and Georgia, respectively…ALL lost.

Recounts notwithstanding, of course…ugh.  This is more of a brewing clusterf*ck than when Ariana Grande and that gargoyle Pete Davidson tried to convince us they were actually “engaged.”

More to come on that hot mess.

And these three Commie Pinkos….LOVE that term…ALL smothered in money from Far Left Progressive billionaires…AND the poster children for the Socialism wet dreams of the Left…STILL went down in flames.  EARTH TO LIBS…Trying to force Socialist candidates down the throat of a center-right country is like trying to shoe horn Michael Moore into a coach seat in row 32 on a crappy budget airline.

There’s a better chance of me playing shortstop for the Mets next year.

Actually, understanding the quite successful midterm elections for the GOP is as easy as uno…dos…tres…

First…before the very public lynching of Brett Kavanaugh, it seemed the Republican base was…well, like me after attending a wedding with an open bar…sort of in a coma.  This debacle, orchestrated by the scumbag Senate Dems, poked a big friggin’ sleeping giant in the ass with a cattle prod.  Political hardball is one thing.  What these dirty low-life bastards did to Kavanaugh and his family was breathtakingly evil.

One red state Dem Senator voted FOR Kavanaugh’s confirmation…Joe Manchin of West Virginia.  He won.  Four of the other five red-staters that voted against the judge LOST by rather large margins.

Apparently, flyover country doesn’t put up with that shit.

Second…The Caravan of thousands marching thru Mexico to invade…yes, INVADE…our border ILLEGALLY was a gift from the political Gods for Trump.  It allowed him to pivot hard to illegal immigration…which, even my astoundingly smart cat Chloe knows got him elected in 2016…and served as a nice motivational shot in the arm for the GOP base…JUST IN CASE any Kavanaugh effect may have started to wane.

You see…According to Leftists from the planet Moron, border security and protecting our sovereignty as a nation is racist, bigoted, anti-immigrant, and a bat shit crazy far right position.

Au contraire…it’s a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN position…as foreign a concept to the Far Left America Haters as portion control is to blubber boy Michael Moore.

Lastly, Trump’s rallies all across the country the past few weeks not only entertained the living bejesus out of us, but cemented the GOP enthusiasm created by the two aforementioned items.  Just about every candidate he rallied for won.

THAT, kiddos, was NO accident.

For their part, the pathetic, bladder-control challenged Dems will assuredly spend the next two years investigating…NOT legislating.  Impeach Trump.  Impeach Kavanaugh and throw him off the Supreme Court.  And the crown jewel…WE HAVE TO GET TRUMP’S TAX RETURNS!!!

And other such things that are critical in the everyday lives of Americans.

They’ve told us as much.

Control of the House for these nitwits is nothing more than a Louisville Slugger…and Trump’s head, a hanging curve.  You think for a goddamn New York minute they’ll participate in ANY bipartisan legislation even RESEMBLING a win for Trump?


2020 Preview:  Dems overplay hand.  GOP base pissed.  Trump wins.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

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