The Devil Made Me Do it

Jesus, what a week.  Fake mail bombs.  Mass shooting.  I’m more out of breath than when that obese oaf Michael Moore takes laps around the Golden Corral dessert table.  And in each of these major stories, the Destroy Trump Media Frauds have yet again proven they remain fully unacquainted with ANYTHING resembling professional integrity.

Objective, reasoned, and fair purveyors of news?  How passé.  Massively blatant traffickers of…not simply good old-fashioned “liberally biased” reporting…but pure, 100%, unadulterated advocacy of Left Wing dogma, and Trump-hating vitriol?


In no particular order…

When it was first confirmed that this dirt bag…who sent what looked to be package bombs to over a dozen of the biggest Trump haters on the planet…was a massive Trump supporter, you knew what was coming in the next three nanoseconds.

LET’S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE!  Or headlines, in this case…

“How The Package Bomb Suspect Found Inspiration in Trump.”  Washington Post

Outspoken Trump Supporter in Florida Charged in Bombing Spree.”  NY Times

“Florida Trump Supporter Charged In Chilling Mail-Bomb Plot.”  Associated Press

Trump.  Trump.  Trump.  Trump.  Trump.  Trump.  Trump.

Got it?

C’mon.  This dude has a rap sheet…including bomb threats…longer than Michael Moore’s belt. He’s been a sick, evil hombre for 25 years…way back when The Donald was canoodling porn stars sporting more silicone than the Valley.

So…remember when Louisiana Congressman Steve Scalise was shot and almost killed on a DC baseball field last year?  And if not for a couple of on-the-ball Capitol Police, it would have been a massacre of a couple dozen GOP members of Congress?  Almost immediately, the media KNEW this lunatic was a fervent Bernie Sanders supporter.  Even worked on his campaign.

So let’s play the headline game again.

“Lawmaker Steve Scalise is Critically Injured in GOP Baseball Shooting; Gunman James T. Hodgkinson is Killed By Police.”  The Washington Post

“Congressman Steve Scalise Gravely Wounded in Alexandria Baseball Field Ambush.”  NY Times

Are we all getting this yet, for shit’s sake?

What a difference a headline makes, right?  Zero mention of the Bernie Sanders angle.  Perfectly legit.  Bernie had NOTHING to do with it.  But the lefty media cheerleaders not only plastered Trump all over EVERY headline, they insinuated…and some directly blamed…Trump for the actions of this evil, piece of shit maniac.


The other one will roast your weenie even more…

The slaughter of 11 innocents, simply practicing their faith at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, was the biggest act of anti-Semitic violence in our country’s history.  The one-trick-pony media raced…like I do when ANYONE screams FREE BEER!…to be the first to blame Trump.

Never mind that Trump is a bigger friend to Israel than ANY of his predecessors.  By far.  Son-in-law…Jewish.  Daughter…Jewish.  Three grandkids…Jewish.

Fact and logic, of course, need not apply for residence in the feeble mind of liberals.

Oh, wait, I get it.  It’s the old “Devil Made Me Do It” syndrome.  And TRUMP is…wait for it…………….THE.  DEVIL.

You see…it’s NOT the violent, divisive rhetoric of the Maxine Waters, Eric Holders, and Hillary Clintons of the world that drives the “Tolerant Left” to kick the snot out of people wearing MAGA hats and assault people in restaurants taking their third bite of that mouth-watering lobster ravioli.


But it IS Trump’s rhetoric that MADE this sicko kill 11 Jews in a synagogue in Pittsburgh.  Oh, and by the way?  This dude wasn’t JUST a Jew hater…but a MASSIVE TRUMP HATER.

Wait, what?  Let me get this straight.  I’m a little slow on the uptake these days…ya know, my booze soaked brain and all.

The fake pipe bomber LOVED TRUMP…sooooo…ipso facto…what he did was TRUMP’S fault.

But the synagogue killer HATED Trump.  Hmmm…STILL TRUMP’S fault.

Don’t even attempt to make sense of THAT gibberish.  F*cking hypocritical morons.  Pardon my French.  And my Mom’s a liberal.

Sorry Mom.

Looks like a fun game, though.  I want to play…

Wow, this Trump hating killer SURELY took his queues from the Democrats, who have a long, rich history of kissing the terrorist asses of Palestinians and throwing major shade on Israel.  And don’t EVEN get me started on their hero…the biggest anti-Semitic bigot on the planet…Louis “I Never Met a Jew I Didn’t Hate” Farrakhan.

Let’s name names, shall we?

Obama.  Keith Ellison.  Maxine Waters.  Hey, while we’re at it..the whole goddamn Congressional Black Caucus!  All card-carrying members of the Farrakhan Fan Club.

Slick Willy Clinton was all giddy to share the stage with this racist miscreant at Aretha’s memorial service.

I would have taken a pass, myself, and sat up in the nosebleed section with all the ham-and-eggers.

The media famously hid pictures…for 10 years…of Barry Obama grinning Dumbo ear to Dumbo ear standing next to his Bestie Bigot Buddy.


If THAT ain’t a textbook example of media ADVOCACY, I don’t know what the hell is.  And if you choose of your own free will to make nicey-nice with the biggest anti-Semite on the planet…don’t get torqued at ME when I call YOU a Jew hater.

You’re NO better than the company you keep.

So let’s summarize…Trump haters.  Jew haters.  JUST like the killer.  The Left is to blame for the Pittsburgh massacre.

All of the above is 100% factually accurate.

Except for that last sentence.  Our friends on the Left aren’t to blame for ANY of it.

Nobody is responsible in ANY way shape or form except the evil scumbags that committed these heinous acts.  And if there’s ANY justice in the world, they’ll both rot in Hell.

Even Bernie Sanders rejects the unhinged “Blame Trump” ravings of his psychotic Socialist brethren.  OF COURSE Trump isn’t to blame here.  Nor was Bernie when one of his sycophants pumped a slug into Steve Scalise.

Sounds like a seed of unity to me.







6 thoughts on “The Devil Made Me Do it

  1. Taco Pepper

    Trump is absolutely not to blame for any of these shootings. What he is to blame for, is the following:

    1) Advancing a rhetoric of disrespect and mockery of any opposing opinion that is childish, unnecessarily confrontational, and wholly in conflict with the convention of respectful discord. He has individually changed the way we disagree with each other on policy, and when he speaks incorrectly in this aggressive tone, which is pretty much every day, he takes no accountability for his constant misstatements and blames it all on the “fake news”.

    2) He also is responsible for championing the NRA. I challenge anyone here to give me a valid reason to own an AR-15. Do you know who thinks we all should buy AR-15s? The NRA. And by accepting endless funds and campaign support from this group, DJT is complicit with the use of these weapons. Is he responsible for the shootings? Of course not. Could he do something to prevent future killings? Yes.. and yet, he doesn’t, because they all wear MAGA hats.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Haha…I loved your post about having no right to bitch unless you VOTE. So spot on. By the way, I have quite the potty mouth myself, and frankly, find it to be an endearing quality. And as you say, a great tool for “emphasis.” 😉

      1. Borderline Bella

        Lol, great minds think alike….or maybe it’s profane ones, but what the fuck ever, it’s still awesome AF😂
        I feel the same way about profanity….if one doesn’t cuss, there is absolutely no way that we could EVER be friends. Haha!


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